

Thwart: 1. Attack: 2. Defense: 3.
Health: 10. Hand Size: 5.

Spinnensinn — Unterbrechung: Sobald der Schurke einen Angriff gegen dich einleitet, ziehe 1 Karte.

"Nur die freundliche Spinne aus der Nachbarschaft!"
Grundspiel #1. Spider-Man #.


Recover: 3.
Health: 10. Hand Size: 6.

Wissenschaftler — Ressource: Erzeuge eine -Ressource. (Nur einmal pro Runde.)

"Im Moment würde ich die ganze Spider-Man-Nummer gegen einen Schaukelstuhl und ein gutes Buch eintauschen."
Grundspiel #1. Spider-Man #.
Peter Parker
FAQs (taken from the official FAQ or FFG's responses to the official rules question form)

Q: When does the villain “initiate” an attack against Spider-Man?

A: An attack is “initiated” the moment the game determines an attack will be made against a character. This includes attacks made from game steps (such as step 2 of the villain phase) and card abilities (such as an attack initiated by the “Assault” treachery).

Spider-Man’s ability resolves before any of the steps of the process detailed in the “Enemy Attacks” section are performed. -(Official FAQ)

Q: I’m playing Spider-Man, facing Ultron Stage 2. Ultron attacks me. Which happens first – Ultron’s Forced Interrupt “when Ultron attacks”, or Spider-Man’s Interrupt “when a villain initiates an attack”?

A: There is no timing difference between “attacks” and “initiates an attack” so the Forced Interrupt would take priority over the Interrupt. We used the “initiates an attack” language with Spider-man because early testers showed some confusion about when to trigger his ability, and phrasing it this way helped them to understand. -(Developer Ruling, Hall of Heroes)

Last updated


Peter Parker

  • Has a low recovery which is largely irrelevant due to Aunt May.
  • He has an average hand size of 6.
  • His Scientist ability is always welcome as it allows him to more efficiently play his 6 card hand size.
  • It may also come in handy if Alter-Ego only cards are printed that require a resource.
  • There might be a archetype in the future which makes use of his and Black Cat's affinity.


  • A THW of 1 is really bad and combined with only a situational threat removal card (Spider-Tracer) in his character card pool, Spider-Man will not be leading the charge as far as thwarting is concerned.
  • This is somewhat offset by the fact that Spider-Man will spend the majority of the game in Hero Form.
  • Still, without a dedicated thwarter (or in solo), Spider-Man is very vulnerable to threat (to Side Schemes in particular).
  • ATK 2 is average and here and there will help out with Minion control.
  • DEF 3 combined with Spider-Man’s defensive card pool is phenomenal.
  • 10 HP is on the lower side of things; however it should not be a problem due to Spider-Man’s excellent defensive options.
  • Spider-Sense effectively means you have a 6 card hand size in Hero Form, which is great.
  • It is also not limited to once per round, which means every time the Villain initiates an attack against you, you draw a card. Might have some interesting combo potential with future cards.

Spider-Man’s card pool is focused on mitigating the Villain’s turn. He plays very much in the moment with very few cards that stick around for the long-term.

Aspect parings with Spider-Man


  • The Aggression Aspect provides effective Minion control to Spider-Man’s card pool. It also brings more (if slightly less efficient) damage dealing capabilities.


  • The Justice Aspect brings cards that cover Spider-Man’s greatest weakness, thwarting. With this Aspect Spider-Man becomes a true Jack-of-all-trades, able to participate in every facet of the game.


  • The Leadership Aspect brings in multiple Ally choices that can help mitigate Spider-Man’s weaknesses while simultaneously supporting his strengths. Such across the board versatility does come with a slight cost ratio premium.


  • The Protection Aspect very much doubles down on Spider-Man’s main strength, mitigating the Villain’s turn and defending his fellow teammates.

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Francois · 209

Spiderman gets billed as the beginner's hero of beginner's heroes in the core set, but I think he's actually a lot more interesting than that would suggest. While he is very straightforward, Spiderman offers some of the more interesting decisions I've had to make in the game so far.

As a rundown, his alter-ego, Peter Parker, offers middling healing (set at a base of 3), but shores that up with the ability to generate a science resource for free every turn. This gives him the ability to do some nice setup, especially when you combo him with the Helicarrier, effectively making one two-cost card free every turn.

Unlike several of the other heroes, you're going to want to hop out of Peter Parker pretty quickly, since 13 of his 15 special cards can only be played or used in hero form. So if you're sitting around as Peter Parker, you quickly ramp up the threat on scheme, in addition to hoarding cards in your hand that can't be used.

Once you're in as Spiderman, though, the hero becomes very powerful. Getting an extra card draw every turn helps mitigate his relatively low health (compare that to She-Hulk's 15, or Iron Man's 17, when fully upgraded). This means that you'll want to defend a lot more often to offset potential damage and allow Spiderman to stay in hero form for as long as possible. Cards like Backflip and Spidersense help you prevent damage and bad effects, as well. Overall, his high base defense gets him out of a lot of trouble, which helps with the early Rhino scenarios where the villain can pound in for upwards of 6 or 7 damage at a time.

He also has good damage potential, with a decent base attack of 2, and kicks that let him dish out 8 damage at a time. This can make a huge difference when soloing. Moreover, he has one of my favorite allies in the whole game: Black Cat. She can grab you a few free cards when she comes out, and then she gets to attack for free, unlike the other allies in the game's base set.

Overall, Spiderman is an excellent hero to start deckbuilding with, but it will take more experience to really unlock his potential. Timing when you choose to defend is a critical decision point, especially when soloing. In a team game, he gets even better, since the other hero can draw away some of the heat when things get tight. Spiderman has tons of potential for new and experienced players, alike.

graycatgames · 20
If I generate a resource with Peter Parker, can I flip to Spiderman and use that resource? — Mr.Fonts · 1
No, you can only use the resource as Peter Parker. — crouchingHamster · 1

This review is more into the deckbuilding part of the game.

I think that Francois and greycatgames have done a great job of explaining the traits and weaknesses of Spider-Man, you should read their reviews as well. I hope that this review gives you more archetypes and ideas about what can Spiderman lean into.

Peter Parker (Alter Ego)

Spider-Man (Hero Form)

  • Traits: Avenger, The best neutral Avenger options for Spider-Man are Quincarrier, Team-Building Exercise to play other Avenger cards like Avengers Mansion, Avengers Tower or Avenger Allies. Ill talk more about this on the Aspect part.
  • Stats:
    • THW: Weakest stat of Spider-Man, below average so you shouldn't look into thwart with the hero action, look into events to deal with that, you can still thwart if there isn't anything better but you should look for other options.
    • ATK: We are getting better, for big chunk of damage have Swinging Web Kick, still you need to deal with those pesky minions that have 3-5 health, and doesnt feel good using 4 ER (Efective Resources) to deal with that, with 2 ATK you can try to deal with those but probably won't be enough. Would be good if you help Spider-Man a bit with cards like Relentless Assault or some Allies to get more of your Spider-Tracer.
    • DEF: With 3 DEF Spider-Man is one of the best characters in all Marvel Champions at keeping himself alive, at early game, you should almost always be defending if you don't have Backflip, will prevent most damage, and keep you healthy enough to get some table and tempo.
  • Hero capacity: Spider-Sense let's you draw cards each time that the villain attacks you so stun cards aren't that effective on Spider-Man, meaning you will draw less and dealing less actions overall, this makes Webbed Up one of the worst cards of Spider-Man pool except when is used to Stalwart and Steady because it's the only way to stun this enemies.
  • Last but not least the Spider name can use of Warrior of the Great Web paired with Web of Life and Destiny, meaning you can use an ally swarm of Web-Warrior on every aspect with Spider-Man.

On this section I will highlight some of the archetypes.


Aspects archetypes and some ideas:

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