Currently solid in decks that build a wide board of allies using Avengers Tower and the Triskelion. Can potentially be played for 1 resource if those cards and Stinger are in play. Will be the best ally to combo with Save the Day and Go Down Swinging when the War Machine pack releases. Could combo with the latter to provide a block using toughness token, then 12 damage (3 attacks at 2 damage each and 6 damage from Go Down Swinging) from for the low cost of 3 effective resources.
Captain America
Steve Rogers
Cost: 6.
Health: 4.
Attack: 2.
Thwart: 2.
Senke die Kosten, um Captain America zu spielen, für jeden Avenger-Charakter unter deiner Kontrolle um 1
"Avengers, sammeln!"
The Mad Titan's Shadow #11.

- Captain America Captain America #1
if your hero's also an avenger then it goes to zero, I think
· 8
Needs the adequate deck to shine. Best if you are an avenger and you are playing Avengers Tower and Stinger. In that cases you can make him even zero cost (4 avengers allies + stinger + your avenger hero or 3 avengers allies + stinger + exhausting the tower).