Fighting Fit

Great card for Iron Man or any hero that you know that you will have a lot more health pool than you printed life points. Also good for perfect defense decks in wich you plan to take very little damage.

Clintparker13 · 118
Three Steps Ahead

For every other card, you have to pick a resource type for your wild resource to "act as". Does that work here, too? Does a wild have to fill the "Wild" category, or can one wild be "wild" and another be "Physical", for instance?

Dragonclaw · 17
You get to choose how each individual Wild resource is spent. So if you generate two, you can spend one as Wild, and another as Physical. — Leethus · 23
You can always decide a wild is just a wild, without standing in for another kind of resource. — Alatreon · 106

Question about this card:

If I take control of a Minion, but later in the game an attachment, like "Lost" Child, takes control of Karma. Do I lose control of the minion because she gets blanked, or that effect already triggered and that minion remains under my control?

I believe it´s correct the first outcome, but my frinds made me doubt about it.

Fenrirgarm · 1
You would lose control of the minion. Karma's ability is a Constant Ability; you only have control of the minion for as long as Karma provides that ability. If she gets blanked, the ability is no longer in effect. — Leethus · 23
Organic Steel

Does this card protect Colossus from piercing attacks? I mean, piercing discards all your tough status when the attack begins. Can I use this in response to that to regain one of the toughs before the attack resolves?

wehehe · 222
It does! A designer answers the question here: Search "Organic Steel" — Stretch22 · 782
Energy Barrier

RULES QUESTION: Does Retaliate work with this card?

Thanks, it is for a new Captain America deck I am brewing.

I am not stalling for characters. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

This cards is pretty strong.

tunicv · 589
Retaliate doesn't require you to take damage, only to have been attacked (and survived) so it works with this card. — cynthiacrescent · 1
Thank you @cynthiacrescent — tunicv · 589