Adam Warlock guardianes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Polak · 21

Deck concept

This is kind of a leadership deck with upgrades for the allys. The goal is to play 2 strong allyes (Groot and Rocket Raccoon/Drax) and keep them alive at all costs so you can play the best upgrades of the game on them, taking advantage of your multi-aspect deck (Boot Camp / Inspired /Team Training / Comms Implant / Energy Spear...)

You can use cheaper allys (Starhawk / Bug) and the 'Battle Mage' mechanic (Warlock's Cape / Mystic Senses / Cosmic Ward) to face the threats of the villain and minions, gaining time to play Warlock´s and allys upgrades that are going to make you unbeateable in the late game.

The deck includes a lot of upgrades (17) and support (6) cards and just 2 aspect events. This makes your deck much smaller after the first deck ciclying and even smaller after the second. This is important to tank damage in midgame and lategame using Soul World to restore your HP.

Triple Core

  • Groot / Rocket Raccoon / Drax: These are the allies you want to play as soon as possible. Groot is the priority, followed by Rocket. Drax is more situational or for an emergency, but can make a big impact if played in the right moment. For these allies to shine you need to have in play Boot Camp and Team Training. Groot passive is perfect to play all +ATK upgrades on him (Energy Spear and Laser Blaster); Rocket can thwart consistently or kill the annoying minions (Comms Implant and Inspired) and Drax can hit the villain hard. Buff them with the upgrades and don´t use them to chump block neither let them die from consequential damage. Keep them alive for late game! Use the Med Team and the 'Battle Mage' with protection aspect cards to heal them. Command Team is the final weapon to finish that villain with that multi-upgraded Groot.

  • Armored Vest / Heroic Intuition / Combat Training: In order to Warlock be more effective, this three cards are essential, specially the Armored Vest. You´ll need to defend almost every round, so that +1DEF become very valuable. The +1THW helps you in early control of schemes, and the +1ATK is usefull for lasthitting minions.

  • Warlock's Cape / Karmic Staff / Mystic Senses: If there is one core card in this deck is Warlock´s Cape. That cape means everything. The Karmic Staff helps maximize the use of your hand. And with Mystic Senses you can speed up your cycling and it makes 'Battle Mage' really powerfull. Although, you have to consider Mystic Senses as a way to find other cards... if you already have that cards in your hand, let mystic senses for later

  • EXTRA: You need Soul World. I know sometimes at early game it looks like a perfect card to use to pay another cards. Don´t. Play it, or save it for next round and play it. But play it. You are going to take big amount of damage early on, specially if you can´t play chump blockers (and its hard to do because you want to play your upgrades first). This deck is a race. If you manage to keep yourself alive for the first deck cycling and you have played Soul World, villain is done. Simply as that.

Choices, choices, choices

There will be rounds in which you´ll have to sacrifice a good upgrade to pay for a response that keeps you alive. Dont worry for that, you can speed up your ciclyng with Cosmic Awareness and Karmic Blast or use Quantum Magic to bring them back to your hand. I recomend to focus on one group at a time, but the drawing order would make you play whatever you have in hand. Choose wisely when you have in hand several core upgrades.

This is a priority order I suggest to follow when you have a conflict on which one to play: Warlock´s Cape > Soul World > Armored Vest > Heroic Intuition > Groot > Rocket > Karmic Staff > Boot Camp > Team Training > Mystic Senses.

Disclaimer: Mystic Senses and Cosmic Ward are very powerfull. You really want to play them, but the thing is sometimes you have to give up playing them.... or not. It´s up to you.

Cards you may change

I suggest to make changes in this deck depending on you are playing solo or multi. Your friends can include upgrades for allies as well, so you can make room for other powerfull events cards. Cut off some of the upgrades if you convince your friends to play theirs in your allies and get rid of Under Surveillance, which is very valuable in solo player but has less impact on multi.

  • I like theme decks, so I choose a selection of Guardians allies. I find Groot and Rocket highly usefull, but they are basic aspect cards, therefore you can be tempted to use aspect allies who can trigger your 'Battle Mage'. But think about deck building restrictions. There is a reason for not to include leadership allies like classic duo Iron Man / Ronin who interact with upgrades nicely. If you put those allies in, you need to cut off some of the leadership upgrades or go for a +45 cards deck. Other allies like Black Widow, Wasp or Wraith can help on control threats.

  • Knowhere is a theme card as well. You dont really need it and again, is a basic aspect card. You are not going to use the +1 to the number of allies never, and you are going to draw 2-4 cards in a best case scenario if you play it early on. This is a not optimal flavour choice.

  • The Night Nurse can be changed for a protection event as well as One Way or Another and Shake it Off.

Strenght and weaknesses

This deck is kind of slow and its dependent on the order you draw your key cards. With villains who puts a lot of presure from the beggining with schemes, you can be forced to play situational cards that slows you down, or in worst case scenario, makes you bite the dust. So you need to know the deck in order to choose which cards you have to play for the long term and which ones you have to play to face an urgent threat. In the other hand, if you are drawing the cards in good order and find the time to play them, you become extremly versatile and unbeateable in mid and late game.

Strategy Play allys and upgrades, for you and allys. Take time to build the engine that makes this deck unbeateble.

Two groups of core cards The deck have two group of cards that works indepently of each other. You depend on draw order and you´ll have to choose carefully wich cards use to pay and wich ones you have toI suggest to focus on one group in the cases you have to choose between play o

Allys and allys upgrades Groot

Warlock´s upgrades