Worthy of Inspiration:
- Black Cat - Scratchin' for 2 all game
- Daredevil - THW 3 + 1 Damage Splash is tasty
- Jessica Jones - Punch 3 + Conditional GODTHWART
- Tigra - More lethal Tigra = Tigra around longer
- Vision - Yes. Just yes.
- Falcon - 3/3 is a strong statline.
- Spider-Woman - 3/3 again. 2 HP is low, but with Get Ready she can be a 6 ATK/THW + Confuse burst.
Probably Not Worth Inspiring:
- Black Widow - 2 health and you'll be exhausting for her ability.
- Hawkeye - there's an argument for it, but nah. 2/2 isn't worth it.
- Luke Cage - most of the time you're going to just tank with him twice.
- Maria Hill - 2 HP, and you want to chump-block with her for Make the Call.
- Mockingbird - she's a flashbang and a block.
- Nick Fury - seriously? YOU'RE going to inspire Nick Fury? He's going to leave halfway through your speech.
- Shuri - 2 HP, Tutor and Block.
- War Machine - If you actually installed Rhodey, he's probably skeeting Ultron Drones for you.
- Hellcat - She'll lose Inspired when she does what she does. Situationally might be worth it for the THW.
Note: with the release of Wonder Man, we have another great Inspired target. 1 short of Electrified Inspired Vision per round in damage, but way less overhead and doesn't care about energy results.
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Note: You can’t do a few of these at the moment as you can’t have two aspects, this will be more relevant when spider woman gets released.
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Very worthy of inspiration: Yondu. 2 attack for the rest of the game (see Black Cat).
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Martinez is also worthy of an Inspiration, due to his deep health pool.
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Honorable mention for Leadership Iron Man, on which you can play this card (and Reinforced Suit) for free
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