Q: If my hero has a "Tough" status card, do I have to remove it in order to heal 1 damage by Night Nurse?
A: That is correct. You do not want to have Night Nurse heal you while you are tough. -(Developer Ruling, Hall of Heroes)
Anwendungen (3 Behandlungsmarker).
Aktion: Erschöpfe Die Nachtschwester und entferne 1 Behandlungsmarker von ihr → heile 1 Schaden von einem Helden und lege 1 Statuskarte von ihm ab.
Q: If my hero has a "Tough" status card, do I have to remove it in order to heal 1 damage by Night Nurse?
A: That is correct. You do not want to have Night Nurse heal you while you are tough. -(Developer Ruling, Hall of Heroes)
This card is absolutely amazing, with its ability to remove 3 conditions (potentially giving three extra actions) and heal a little bit of damage on top of it! The only weakness is that many enemies really don't stun or confuse you, and in that case the night nurse won't do much of anything, though it isn't totally useless since it still gives a little bit of healing for a small cost, as long as you're careful that she doesn't remove a Toughness card from you.
This is such a fantastic card, and is a ridiculous bargain. For one resource, you can remove a negative status card three times. Athletic Conditioning has the same cost, and only removes one status card once.
Yes, Night Nurse comes with a caveat, since she will also remove 'Tough'. But frankly, that is an almost meaningless concern. Her damage healing is just a bonus effect tacked on to an incredible ability. She removes negative status effects! Essentially freeing your hero to act a full turn early. If you're relying on the Night Nurse for healing, you've made many other bad decisions to get to this point.
Her ability and its cost is so broken, that they have not included her anywhere else...ever. There is a single copy of this card in everyone's library because she only came with Doctor Strange. At this point, even Cosmo (who can synergize with Strange in a ridiculously broken way) has been in more than one expansion.
The Night Nurse is an automatic 'include' in any Protection deck.