Way Too Quick To Take Damage

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Breaking the Sound Barrier 139 106 9 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Methos · 325

"You didn't see that coming?" - Quicksilver: Avengers: Age of Ultron

One of my favourite decks ever. No allies wandering around, no hyper-complex setup and no complicated wombo-combos. Just a solid control deck meant to slowly drain the villain.

Quicksilver's Super Speed ability allows him to ready once per phase after using a basic activation. This can be exploited in many different ways. Here is my way to do it in my favourite so far Protection deck.

This deck is all about defeating the villain while defending. Thanks to Flow Like Water, each defense card played means dealing damage to the villain and thanks to Electrostatic Armor, each basic defense means dealing damage to the villain or a minion when necessary.

Equipping Quicksilver with Accelerated Reflex, Armored Vest, Electrostatic Armor and Flow Like Water is the go to strategy in the deck. Combining those upgrades with Defiance, Desperate Defense and Not Today! will more often than not lead to not taking any damage and dealing damage to the villain with other benefits.

As the villains are getting tougher and tougher, Symbiote Suit will add one extra DEF point to the basic stats and will give +1 hand size. And if 4 DEF combined with the event cards is still not enough, Specialized Training will fetch out Defense Specialist for 5 DEf in total plus a card draw once per turn.

It is important to remember to not play Symbiote Suit early, as the deck has only 2 copies of Get Behind Me!. Before playing Symbiote Suit it is recomended that Avengers Mansion, Unflappable and Defense Specialist to be in play. This way drawing Get Behind Me! is much easier.

Talking about drawing cards, Taunt is simply made for this deck, as it will make the villain attack you, which is what you want, and will give you a draw of 3 cards. Combining it with Avengers Mansion, Unflappable and Defense Specialist gives you extra 6 cards each turn which will most likely contain at least one more Taunt. In general, after set-up, you can go through your entire remaining deck in 2 turns.

To manage the threat, Quicksilver, if he is not busy defending, can use basic activation combined with Maximum Velocity, Always Be Running and What Doesn't Kill Me to clear a lot of chunks of threat. While defending, Not Today! is doing the job.

On top of everything, one solid signature ally - that's all we need in this category. Scarlet Witch is a bit on the expensive side, so she is not a priority to put on the board. She is not part of the main strategy but is amazing later on in the game especially in multiplayer.

In Scenarios with a lot of minions, Speed Cyclone, Double Time, Scarlet Witch and multiple basic activations combined with Maximum Velocity are your best friends.

And last, but not least, managing a hand of 12+ cards is not easy to pay for, but Friction Resistance, Helicarrier and Quincarrier will help with the cost.

I used to run Deft Focus as well, but I found myself not using it most of the time so it got removed.

If you want to round down the cards to 40, Dauntless is a good candidate to be removed.

In multiplayer, Dauntless can be swapped with the The Night Nurse. This way any confuse or stunned status can be discarded when needed.

So far, as long as I survive 3-4 rounds against the villain, the basic setup is achieved, and then the board is completely under Quicksilver's control.