SP//dr Suit Protection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LeahLorenna · 310


About me:

I started playing almost a year ago and while I dont play a lot of solo games - as I mainly play duos when I play by myself - I still try to build my decks so they can stand on their own without having to rely on other players. But usually I play with a full party of 4 players :) That being said, it means that my decks might not always be 100% optimised for solo games, but I'll try to give suggestions on how to adjust the deck if I feel it might be lacking in a certain area. So I hope you gonna stick around till the end :)

I just love Peni Parker. She quickly became one of my favorite heros to play! Now, with this deck I am gonna be honest, I havent play tested it as much as I wanted before publishing it. There's still a bit of a work in progress left, since I haven't gone through all variations that I wanted to T_T

But I kinda needed a break from playing today and I thought I might try to share a little bit more in the last section instead :) I hope it'll be excused! Hehe~~

About the deck:

If you have seen my other Peni Parker deck you will probably notice that I added almost the exact same basic cards. One of the reasons is... I am actually quite lazy! There it is. I said it. I thought if I keep the same base deck it will save me time to switch her to a different aspect xD But the other reason is because she really works well with all these basic cards! They are just soo good on her ^^#

And since I already admitted that I am lazy I am just gonna go over to my other deck and copy pasta the ally and basic card section to this one! 1...2...3 here we go!


  • I think everyone agrees with me saying that Peter Parker is probably the best ally to have with Peni. He is so strong with 2 / 2 Basics and can ready your hero and that for a cost of 3! I mean c'mon.

  • Otto can also ready one of our interfaces after he enters the play. So if you have Host Spider in play already, he can practically ready our hero as well! Or you can choose a different interface with the Tech keyword and draw a card! Which is also amazing. But I usually go for the Host Spider if I can :)

  • Gwen lets us search our deck for a hero specific event after she leaves the play. That means we can get All System Go! for example to either use it to get a missing interface on our hand or ready every interface to get more recources or do some serious damage :) Or thwart if needed! Or you can get one of the other two hero specific events that lets us deal 5 damage and stun an enemy or thwart for 2x3! Web-Trap and Rapid Deployment respectively. The only "sad" thing is, that we can only search our deck and not our discard pile as well! But thats a bit too much to ask ^^

  • I also added Nick Fury to get additonal card draw if needed and also because I really like him especially if you can afford it to play him.

Basic Cards:

  • The Symbiote Suit was my first choice after I saw her low handlimit. She doesnt really need it, but it helps SO much. And it also gives us +1 to all our basic powers and +10 HP whoohoo. But it does come at a cost of +1 extra encounter card. Be mindful though if this card is on your starting hand. It can turn on you very quickly in the beginning where you still have to build your suit.

  • Across the Spider-Verse is another amazing card that lets you ignore the requirements for Peter (not that we would have a lot of problem paying these though with all our interfaces!) and also - here comes the best part - let's you put allies (only web warriors though) into play from your discard pile! So if you're lucky you can play Peter twice (or more if you get through your deck quickly enough :) )

  • Limitless Stamina was also an easy choice here, since we like to get ready as often as possible.

  • I think the basic cards that I added are pretty common from what I saw in other decks. Obviously with so many Basic Cards we are going for The Power in All of Us!

Protection Cards:

Okay, I'll admit that really was lazy even for my standards :( I'll try to make it up to you in the remaining sections :) So for Protection cards we have quite a few options which I will get to in more detail in the final section. For now I wanna talk about the ones that I ended up using in this version.

  • Unflappable is my upgrade of choice if we have a lot of DEF. Peni Parkers Suit comes with a base DEF of 2 and the Symbiote Suit and Armored Vest each add 1 more to the mix :) With Speed-Metal Alloy we can have 6 DEF which almost always guarantees to trigger the effect. Due to Unflappable I decided to cut Assess the Situation from the deck and to free up 3 slots.

  • Electrostatic Armor to return some damage to the attacker. It does not require us to take no damage, but we have to defend in order to trigger it. So keep that in mind :)

  • And since we don't like being exhausted when our round starts I added 3 copies of What Doesn't Kill Me. It will heal us for 2 and also ready our suit!

  • While I am always sad that I don't have Make the Call when I am not playing Leadership.. I think Med Team is kinda filling that void. While it does not let us revive allies from our discard pile, it does keep them in play longer. So Peter Parker and VEN#m are the perfect choices to heal with this card! :)

  • I also added 1 copy of Spider-Tingle to deal with any unwanted treachery cards. Note that it is not a forced interrupt. So we get to choose when we trigger it, once it's on the table :)

Adjustments & final thoughts:

Alright, here we go. Let's also start with the allies. Allies that can be dismissed could be either Nick Fury or Bobby. At least these would probably my first choices. While I do love the card draw that Nick provides, he sometimes can be a bit too expensive to play and you might not find it worth it. So other allies that can easily be added would be Spider-UK to soak up some minion damage and retaliate. Of course you are also free to let him tank the villain. Edit: As dr00 pointed out in the comments, Spider-UK actually interrupts the incoming attack and deals damage before the attack goes through! That means it works differently from retaliation which happens AFTER you recieve the damage. This actually changes a lot. As I mentioned I would replace either Nick or Bobby. If you want to keep both... then Otto would probably the next choice, since Peter is far too valuable and Gwen also helps us setting up our cards. You could also add a 41th card. Me personally I am gonna swap out Bobby.

Silk is always a great option in my opinion. She is cheap, can take a hit and gets rid of a treachery card.

Spider-Man Noir is also not a bad choice at all. While it may take some time to push him to 3/3 he still has a lot of value for a cost of 3. Since it's not a forced interrupt we can choose which treachery cards to place here! That means we can basically hold the cards hostage while keeping Noir on the table. This might be really neat if you expect to go through the encounter deck very fast. But if you just want to attack/thwart with a 3/3 ally.. I feel like VEN#m does the same faster / better.

Also if anyone reads this.. I feel like VEN#m doesn't feel worth it to push her to 5/5 most of the time. 3 and 5 seem to be a bit of cursed numbers. Most minions have 2 or 4 HP - There aren't that many 3 or 5 HP minions around. I mean I know they exist. Same with threat. Especially in solo and duo. The magic numbers are 2 and 4 for side schemes in most cases. So 5 seems always a bit wasted unless there is a side scheme like Legions of Hydra or i was slacking on the main scheme. So unless you mainly plan on attackin the villain with VEN#m maybe think about using only 3 interfaces. So please let me know if it's just me or what your experience is so far :) Back to the adjustments!

As mentioned in the other deck - sometimes Web of Life and Destiny is a bit of a hit and miss with Peni Parker. Depending on when you actually draw it, it can either be really good or barely worth it. But since we can play it for free, even if we only end up drawing 1-2 cards, I'd still think it's worth keeping it, just in case we can get more out of it :)

Now for the events I only chose to add What Doesn't Kill Me to our deck. There are other good choices, too though! The reason I went with What Doesn't Kill Me is mainly for the "ready your hero" effect. Thwip! Thwip! is also a good choice. It does deal damage to our hero in order to place 2 stun cards, which we can either place both on the same target or on two different targets. In case the villain or minion has Steady this can be pretty neat.

I would suggest staying away from any of the usual defense events. The reason is they usually give you 2-3 dmg reduction in one way or another. Either by canceling boost symbols or giving you additional DEF. Since we do already have our interface to give us +2 for 1 ER, playing a card to achieve roughly the same is not really worth it. Desperate Defense is a different story though. Desperate Defense is probably the most logical choice if seek to replace What Doesn't Kill Me. It also readies our hero after defending, it's cheaper, and we can use Speed-Metal Alloy to pay for it. We do start the round with 1 card less, but we gain the advantage of not being exhausted. I am a bit torn between those two. Both work really well and I guess it just comes down to the villain / encounter deck if you feel you don't need the extra heal I would go with Desperate Defense.

While I did test Jump Flip.. I didn't had a good experience with it though. It didn't feel like I needed the extra thwart on the main scheme. But in a 4 player scenario you might feel different! So I leave that up to you!

Counter-Punch is something that I didn't get to test, yet. Once we have the Symbiote Suit on the table we can hit back for 3, which in itself is not a bad value.

If you wanna go with different events I would suggest to remove What Doesn't Kill Me and Electrostatic Armor first. Spider-Tingle would probably next to cut if you wanna make further adjustments. Replacing Spider-Tingle with Silk is probably reasonable if you don't wanna have to defend yourself. Just note that we are missing out on Unflappable if you let your allies defend too often (unless you already triggered it ofc).

Med Team is something I would not recommend to switch out though. You can reduce it to 1 if you feel like you need to. But having that heal for your most important allies is a lot of value we can get here!

Dauntless could also be a decent choice, especially if you wanna keep Electrostatic Armor. But if you don't have the +10 HP from the Symbiote Suit you could lose the retaliation quite quickly early on. So I feel like Endurance should also be in the deck as a back up. But I didn't get consistent results with it so I decided against this upgrade. Edit: Also a good suggestion from dr00, you can also add Forcefield Generator instead of Endurance. While it does cost 4 ER instead of 2 ER, it also doubles the amount of damage you can soak. So t he choice is yours!

So that's it! I hope I did make up for my laziness in the beginning and that someone out there will enjoy playing this deck ^-^



Sep 08, 2022 dr00 · 44019

yeah, Dauntless doesn't seem to do much for Peni. but that said, i think that Forcefield Generator is a solid option instead of Endurance as a back up for the suit. obviously it's a bit more expensive, but it can soak up quite a bit of damage to help keep you in the green

also about Spider-UK, (i'm not sure if you knew, cos you just said he can soak up damage and retaliate), but his damage is an interrupt, so it happens before the attacking minion deals damage. with him, Web of Life and Destiny, and Peni, he's doing at least 3 damage to the enemy before they deal damage, which is enough to defeat a lot of minions before they can get their attack off, so he can just keep doing that every round. i think he fits really well in any WW protection deck

Sep 10, 2022 LeahLorenna · 310

Yeah, thats actually a solid option if you wanna go with Dauntless. I am gonna add that to the desciption :)

OMG, I did not notice that about Spider-UK! That actually changes quite a lot. Can't believe that I missed that and it was right infront of me. Thank you so much for that hint! I am also gonna add that! Thanks @dr00