Hulk [Aggression] - Hulk SMASH!!!!!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

bmay511 · 307

This deck was designed around bringing that favorite green, brawling, rage-infused "meat shield" of every MARVEL fan out there to life - all while making the deck a viable play option, and keeping it focused on what Hulk does best: SMASHING!!!

I have to admit, that prior to a few recent hero pack/set releases, Hulk was difficult, (if not disappointing), to play. Hulk still remains as the only Hero printed thus far who strictly has a "de-buff", (having to discard your entire hand at the end of your turn), while simultaneously lacking any beneficial and naturally occurring powers or abilities while in Hero form. I understand that perhaps the developers did this partially for theme and game balance, but nonetheless this aspect nearly crippled him as a viable option to play . . . until recently. Now, let's dive right in, and take a closer look at some key aspects of how this deck works, and some important concepts and strategies . . .

  • Athletic Conditioning : There are 3 things that Hulk will suffer from most if you can't find ways to minimize or eliminate them (aside from his forced hand discard at the end of your turn): 1) being exhausted, 2) enemies with "tough" status cards on them, and Hulk being stunned. This card serves primarily to deal with the latter. Cheap at 1-cost, and easy to play.

  • Get Over Here! : I know, I know . . . At face value, this card seems ridiculous in this deck. Hulk doesn't get the "aerial" trait, and 1 damage seems insignificant. However, remember those pesky "guard" minions, that also have a tough status card on them, and your Hulk Smash therefore would otherwise be wasted, or ineffective??? BOOM! Not anymore! This card negates that issue nicely. Also handy for just removing tough statuses from enemies in general.

  • Moment of Triumph : Hulk reeeeeeally wants to stay Hulk far as long as possible, so he can keep smashing things. This card, played in tandem with Hulk Smash on a minion, has the potential to heal Hulk for more HP than any possible combinations of Endurance or Down Time. Plus, it does so by keeping you in Hero form - ready to keep pulverizing those enemies!

  • Quick Strike : Handy for when after making your basic attacks, you still need to hit something else square in the face. Optimal play is after you already have Combat Training and Boundless Rage in play. 5 damage to an enemy of your choice for a 2-cost card is good economy.

  • Helicarrier : Practically an essential staple in any Hulk deck, especially in solo play. Helps Hulk play his cards when they are needed, and as such, helps negate the downside of Hulk's 4-card hand size when paying for cards.

  • Counterattack : Fantastic card in this deck. Speaking of hand size - since this card is an "upgrade" type, once it gets on the board, it stays there until you need it most. Hulk's forced discard won't ruin your opportunity to play this card. Additionally, (and I see many beginners making this mistake), it IS NOT a "forced" response. Remember Hulk's aforementioned weakness when exhausted??? This card is great for compensating for that. Wait until the enemy hits you hard, and then deal it right back into their face!!! Also generates a resource when paying for other cards - perfect for Hulk in case you already have one copy on the board.

  • Enhanced Physique : NORMALLY not a great card to play, but a decent card for Hulk. As an "upgrade" it stays on the board, and once played it completely ignores the negative of Hulk's forced discard. resources are also Hulk's "bread and butter" for many of his kit cards. This card is perfect for those. Again, also helps pay for his more expensive cards with his 4-card hand size limit. SMASH away!!!

  • Hand Cannon : Say WHAAAAAT?!? A "tech" card in a Hulk deck??? I know, I know . . . Hulk using "tech" (while Hulk) is about as anti-thematic (and makes about as much sense) as Iron Man wearing flip-flops instead of his rocket boots. HOWEVER, this card is just too good to ignore for this deck. It's essentially a Skilled Strike with overkill. It's also an "upgrade", so it benefits this deck in the same ways as mentioned above.

Important Strategies

Basically anytime you find yourself with Hulk Smash in your hand, and no means to feasibly use it on that turn, switch back to Banner so you can retain it. That card is simply to good to pass up the opportunity to use, and is undeniably one of Hulk's signature kit cards. This card can, (and in many cases will), win you the game, and too many times I've seen people needlessly discard it when they could have used it soon after.

Your allies or in this deck are mainly for solo play. In multiplayer, ideally other players should focus on threat removal and playing allies, freeing up Hulk to do what he does best - dishing out damage, and soaking it up. Use them to pay for your other cards in most instances.

Lastly, feel free to experiment with switching out a few cards for those listed here that might suit your playstyle better. Assess the Situation also works well to help compensate for Hulk's hand size limit. In any case, experiment, have fun, and most importantly . . . . .



Apr 28, 2022 bmay511 · 307

@neothechosen - Critiques? Ideas? Always appreciated your input!

Jul 13, 2022 jf1025 · 1

Awesome Hulk deck!!! Great write up!

Nov 22, 2022 AncientEpithet · 704

@bmay511I like the deck, excellent write up! I really like your use of Get Over Here! to clear tough status cards. How would you update with the new cards from Sp//Dr's pack? What would you swap out for Limitless Stamina and Unshakable (Besides Athletic Conditioning, that seems like a clear swap)? Would you add a Deft Focus with all the superpowers? Also, do you mean towards any other cards now to help clear tough, any good substitutes for Get Over Here!? I'd love to hear what you think!

Nov 26, 2022 bmay511 · 307

@AncientEpithet - Yep! You predicted many of my changes correctly. This deck was made nearly a year ago, before many of the better cards that suit Hulk more preferably were released ... As you stated, Unshakable was an automatic swap out for Athletic Conditioning. Unshakable greatly reduces the need for athletic conditioning in the first place, and is much better suited for Hulk given that it is an upgrade, (which stays on the board), and therefore is not adversely affected by Hulk's forced discard. Additionally, three copies of Limitless Stamina were also added. As stated in my notes, one of the three biggest "Achilles heels" for Hulk, is being exhausted when you need him to either defend, or smash face. Limitless stamina takes care of that problem nicely!!! Marked for Death is also a recent addition. Perfect for those pesky minions who get in the way and you want to automatically use overkill even if you don't have Hulk Smash ready to play. So many attack combos with this deck allow Hulk to do excessive damage, and that card makes sure it doesn't get wasted. I appreciate the comment and the interest, and I plan to update this deck as more cards get released to help him evolve and improve!!!!


Nov 26, 2022 bmay511 · 307

@AncientEpithet - correction: Marked, is the card I added that I was referencing above, NOT Marked for Death. Enjoy!