Captain Marvel - Armed and Ready to fight

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Vision19 · 7

The deck has been developped so that Captain Marvel can deal big basic attacks (with potentially some excess of damage). To do that, she can use the following cards:

As she will be able to deal excess damage, Moment of Triumph will help her heal and stay in Hero form. If used in combination with Hand Cannon while attacking a minion, the excess damage will be both used to heal Captain Marvel and deal damage to the vilain. Ironheart and Throg are cheap allies that can be used to block big attacks.

For removing Threat, you can use 3 Chase Them Down that are easy to play as Captain Marvel is very often dealing big attacks and defeating minions or first stage of Vilain. Into the Fray, Looking for Trouble and Brawn can also help removing Threat. If needed, Sentry can also support with removing Threat as well as dealing a lot of damage.

This deck is mainly so it helps Captain Marvel's cards. It can also boost Thor, Valkyrie and Wasp allies.