Hulking Defense

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Matximum · 1

Tested in 4-Player vs. Ultron. Deck did fairly well in this encounter, requires a bit of luck, but Ultron requires some luck no matter who you play.

General idea is to rely on some of the more offensive Defense cards to cause some damage while mitigating your own. Hulk has a whopping 3 natural DEF, so you can make use of Unflappable, Counter-Punch, Desperate Defense and Indomitable to get some key defends in and still get value out of your turns. Remember DD and CP are events, however; if you draw them as Banner, it's a resource 100% of the time, so don't be afraid to discard for more valuable cards at that moment.

Attempted to keep resources other than to a minimum without resource starving myself. This was definitely not an issue, any requirements were always available. If you get unlucky, you can always switch to Banner and try to shift your hand around and float some key cards.

For the Ultron encounter specifically, Immovable Object is key. For the same reason as Black Panther, it makes you a drone killing machine. Hulk Smash can also overkill most of the time through a drone due to large amounts of resources. If not you can always blast the Villain in the face for 13-14 damage with Boundless Rage.

On the note of Boundless Rage, try to get it out with as much life as possible; the longer you can stay as Hulk the more value you get from it. Immovable Object and Momentum Shift will help with that, as well as Desperate Defense and Indomitable. You don't have many allies, but when in doubt you can always sacrifice one of them. Lockjaw can always come back and Luke Cage can tank a huge hit for you once without taking any damage.

This deck has a lot of high cost cards, but I never really had resource issues due to your basic resource cards, The Power of Protection, Limitless Strength, 3x Enhanced Physique and Helicarrier/Banner's Laboratory/Avengers Mansion.

Of course, the biggest weakness of this deck is obvious; you're going to be card starved a lot as Hulk. If you can get an early Avengers Mansion you'll be in a bit better shape, or if another hero has some support cards/abilities to net you some cards. Unstoppable Force and Unflappable can also net you a few extra draws in a pinch but I might swap some things around to help draw more; some weaker cards were the somewhat lackluster Tenacity and Tackle, which in theory synergize well here, but just didn't get much value. Probably needs some more testing to see how consistent they are.

Closing thoughts; Protection Hulk is a completely viable deck in this encounter, and given this is one of the more difficult ones, I think he'd easily be viable for most others. I also believe Hulk is one of the better heroes for this aspect; probably not as good as Aggression Hulk, but a good alternative to try out. Give it a shot, I had a lot of fun with it. It has some good synergies and cool decision making.