Hill: Avenger's Manager

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jazz Magnetism · 1

Dark times are upon us, Nick is on paternity leave and has left Maria in charge of the Avengers initiative. This could be the outcome.

This deck is the result of avoiding making the deck that probably came to everyone's mind: one where we try to feed The Iliad with other cheaper SHIELD supports.


We have clear objectives to look for doing mulligan. At first The Circe is the main engine of the deck. We will always try to feed it with counters through cards like Reinforcements, S.H.I.E.L.D. Director and 'Reassigment', placing counters from other cheaper shield supports. We will try to take advantage of it with very expensive allies like Capitana Marvel, Hombre Gigante or Capitán América.

The most important thing is that once you have The Circe in play, focus on making sure it never leaves. Front Organization will help you with that.

As far as resources are concerned, we should have enough with Helitransporte and Support Staff, once you have The Circe in play, you shouldn't have any problem to pay anything else.

Afterward, we will prioritize this two supports: El Triskelion and Torre de los Vengadores. With them, we will have a maximum of 5 allies, as long as Nick Fury is not in the battlefield, the only non avenger ally in the deck.


At this point, i know you want to play The Iliad to destroy the villain, remove threat or heal yourself, but first, make sure you have a solid base of allies to face both the villain's attacks and the threat. And remember, Grupo de mando will help you get the most out of your allies, while Agente sobre el terreno will make sure they stay on the battlefield longer. Remember all your allies are now S.H.I.E.L.D trait thanks to Maria's hero identity ability, a trait that will be lost when we switch the identity to our alter ego.

Lastly, regarding the included allies, it's still possible to theme the deck even more around the Avengers initiative. However, from my point of view, this is a very balanced composition, but still very customizable anyway.

Let me know if you give the new Avengers Initiative manager a chance and if you liked the deck. Feedback always is welcome!