Valkyrie: Valhalla's Vengance

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CaptainJin · 282


This deck focuses on unleashing Valkyrie's full potential as a formidable warrior on the battlefield. With a mix of powerful allies, events, and upgrades, the deck is designed to maximize Valkyrie's aggressive playstyle, allowing her to deal significant damage to enemies while maintaining control over the game. The key to success lies in managing the Death-Glow and utilizing Valkyrie's unique abilities to keep the pressure on the villain and their minions.

Valkyrie ready for battle

Core Strategy

The core strategy of this deck revolves around making the most of Valkyrie's abilities to engage and defeat enemies, while also using her allies and events to support her in combat. The Death-Glow upgrade plays a central role, allowing Valkyrie to trigger her special abilities and keep the momentum going.

Valkyrie readying guns

The Mulligan

In your opening hand, look for cards that help establish Valkyrie’s setup and ensure she can start dealing damage quickly. Key cards to prioritize are:

Valkyrie punch gauntlets

Early Game

In the early game, focus on setting up Valkyrie’s key upgrades and getting allies onto the board.

  • Play Death-Glow and start engaging minions to trigger Valkyrie’s effects.
  • Use Chooser of the Slain to bring in minions and draw cards, fueling your hand for more powerful plays.
  • Establish Hall of Heroes and The Bifrost to ensure you have the resources needed for mid-game plays.
  • Play Annabelle Riggs early to help you dig for key cards and keep your hand full.

Your goal during this phase is to get Valkyrie set up with her primary upgrades while maintaining control of the board.

Valkyrie licking sword

Mid Game

As you move into the mid-game, Valkyrie should be fully equipped and ready to start dealing significant damage.

  • Use Have at Thee! and Into the Fray to take down minions and deal spillover damage to the villain.
  • Angela to bring additional minions into play, allowing Valkyrie to generate more resources and effects.
  • Utilize Flight of the Valkyrior to manage threat and ensure the villain’s schemes don’t advance.
  • Keep Death-Glow in play as much as possible, allowing Valkyrie to engage minions and trigger her abilities consistently.

During this phase, focus on maintaining pressure on the villain while managing any threats they may pose.

Valkyrie smiling while flying

Late Game

In the late game, it’s time to bring the battle to a close with Valkyrie’s powerful finishing moves.

With her upgrades in place and a fully charged hand, Valkyrie should be able to deal the finishing blows to the villain and secure victory.

Valkyrie battle celebration


This deck is all about unleashing Valkyrie’s full potential as a powerful and aggressive hero. By managing the Death-Glow and utilizing her allies and events effectively, you can keep the pressure on the villain and control the game from start to finish. Whether you’re dealing with minions or taking down the villain directly, Valkyrie is always ready to lead the charge.

Valkyrie flying