

Cost: 2.
Health: 2.
Attack: 1. Thwart: 1.

Alter-Ego Aktion: Erschöpfe Annabelle Riggs → dursuche die obersten 5 Karten deines Decks nach einer Valkyrie-Karte und nimm sie auf deine Hand. Mische den Rest zurück in dein Deck.

"Ich habe Freunde auf der Erde, die Hilfe gebrauchen könnten."
Valkyrie #3. Valkyrie #2.
Annabelle Riggs

I saw a very interesting combo in a playthrough: attaching Honorary Avenger on Annabelle Riggs so you can them attach Sky Cycle to her and use her alter-ego twice per round when you are in alter-ego form.

As there are 8 events in Valkyrie's set you should very often haw 2 additional cards.

AlexandreP · 39
Sorry to rain on your parade, but although Honorary Avenger reads "character", Sky Cycle reads "Attach to an Avenger ALLY." — chile125 · 1
If Annabelle is an Honorary Avenger, then she IS an Avenger Ally, so you can give her a Sky Cycle. — Fry · 262
Fry is correct. That's the whole point of Honorary Avenger! And similar Honorary cards. — RabidHobbit · 11