True Grit - (NeXt/w7)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Brian-V · 45185


X-Force Mission Completed: X-themed decks for all NeXt/Wave 7 heroes in every aspect vs X-pert NeXt Evolution!




  • True Grit - Much like Askani'son, with Graymalkin, this card pays for itself when you clear a side scheme. It also allows you to ready in the villain phase, letting you use Cable's ability to exhaust/defend.

Player Side Schemes:


  • Team-Building Exercise - Really helpful with playing all your Psionic cards.

  • X-Bunker - Once you have some PSS built up, this card is really strong for Cable. With 40 cards and so many PSS, you've thinned your deck and can really grab anything.




Deck Spotlight - NeXt Evolution (Wave 7):

This deck along with the following were play-tested extensively vs Expert NeXt Evolution (non-campaign) to make sure they were capable, top-tier, fun decks. Any feedback or suggestions are welcome! Thanks!

Cable Decks:

Protection Decks:

  • Angel:
  • Cable:
  • Deadpool:
  • Domino:
  • Psylocke:
  • X-23:

Deckbuilder Profile: Try a different deck!


Feb 18, 2024 journeyman2 · 23801

True Grit is quite underrated! I Stan it

Feb 20, 2024 NiceShot318 · 14

Always wanted to try on a defense deck with cable. One thing to note though is with superpower training you cant pull psimitar as its not identity specific.

Feb 20, 2024 jrslims · 2

Ok this deck looks cool! Will try it out. Thanks for this series and all the detailed write ups.

Feb 21, 2024 saintmatthew · 39

Holy moly someone found a good use for True Grit. I'm very, very impressed. Kudos!

Feb 21, 2024 Brian-V · 45185

@NiceShot318 Sorry, I meant Lock and Load there. I'll have to fix that, thanks.

Feb 21, 2024 Brian-V · 45185

@jrslims It's been a fun project, all the write-ups definitely take time though. As long as others get something out of it, then it's worth it!

@saintmatthew Thanks!

Feb 21, 2024 andyr · 6596

It is one of my favorite things to see a new hero give an older card renewed use. Awesome deck! Love the series!!

Feb 23, 2024 Brian-V · 45185

@andyr Thanks! Been eyeing your decks you've been posting and they all look really good. I'm going to try and get one to the table this weekend at my LGS.

Feb 23, 2024 Novawyrm · 167

Nice deck. Very fun removing side schemes during the villian's phase.

Feb 27, 2024 GLord · 1

I really love the basic/psionic core of this deck! I really want to try justice Cable with this, but outside switching cards for For Justice! AND skilled Investor, I've been finding it hard to make any adjustments to your core without feeling like I was hurting the overall consistency. Do you have any suggestions?

Mar 14, 2024 N1GHTCRAW73R · 32

I didn't realize that power in all of us and Power of the mind could pay for telekinesis and telepathy's effects? Aren't they only doubled when paying FOR a card, not when paying for an effect on a card?

Mar 23, 2024 Dansome · 1


From Reddit:

Can The Power in All of Us be used to provide the cost for CITT?

The Power in All of Us can be spent to pay the 2 resources for CITT. The phrase “while paying for an X card” (found on each of The Power Of cards) doesn’t care where that cost on the card is coming from, whether it’s the resource cost or an ability cost. All that matters is you’re paying for something on the specified card. – Boggs (Facebook)

I believe this is a Boggs "unofficial" ruling, but it tracks with a prior Finesse/Jarnbjorn ruling.

Mar 30, 2024 DoxaLogos · 229

Incredibly good deck that I've taken down expert Sandman and Project Wideawake down with ease. I barely used True Grit.

Apr 01, 2024 Maper89 · 1

Love this series! I am eager to see what you did with Domino!

May 20, 2024 gilgalith · 25

@Brian-V love this deck. What would you think about dropping Deathlok for Hope Summers to pull those juicy Superpower events and dropping Sidearm for Quincarrier to be cheated in with Build Support? Too much resource gen?