
Ort. X-Force.

Cost: 2.

Aktion : Erschöpfe X-Bunker und wähle einen Spieler, dessen Identität das Merkmal MUTANT hat → der Spieler durchsucht die obersten X Karten seines Decks nach einer beliebigen Karte und nimmt sie auf seine Hand. X ist die Anzahl der Nebenpläne im Siegpunktestapel. (Mische.)

Eduardo Mello
Psylocke #23.

This is a card I never leave out of a Cable deck. It's also my go-to support for a Mutant deck playing Build Support since when you grab the bunker with it, you'll already have Build Support in the victory display. With one side scheme down, this straight up draws a card every turn in Alter-Ego, making it an Avengers Mansion that's cheaper by 2. Once you get up to 4 or 5 side schemes defeated, it's truly bananas as you can draw exactly what you need every turn. Outside of Cable, it's a little worse, but with at least 2 player side schemes in a deck, I'll always consider it.

Stretch22 · 966
I think it's worth noting that from a multiplayer perspective this card does not require the owner to be in alter-ego. You can use this on teammates whenever they flip down as well which increases this card's usage rate over the course of a game. — TrueHiddenMist · 90