Gamora Limited

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SoloMarvelChampion · 1333

Gamora Limited

This is a "Limited" deck in that it only contains cards from the Core Set and products containing Guardian heroes: Galaxy's Most Wanted, Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Venom, Mad Titan's Shadow (because of Adam Warlock), and Nebula.

That said, two of the cards in this list are from the Core Set but were also reprinted in Guardian products: Counter-Punch (Drax & Mad Titan's Shadow) and For Justice! (Mad Titan's Shadow), and it's these Guardian versions of the cards that made the deck list (although they're the exact same card). I used the double resources which came with Gamora as well, so that when you mouse over the deck list every card is from a Guardian product.

I went with all Guardian allies to reinforce this theme (an early version of the deck used Mockingbird and Nick Fury), but I also wanted to use Knowhere and 6 is the minimum number of Guardian allies I want to run to include it.


My Thought Process

I went with a Justice + Protection splash because they have a good assortment of Attack and Thwart events available in the limited pool, and went heavy on them for four reasons:

  • That's her Schtick (obviously)
  • You can almost always use Keen Instincts when 52.5% of your deck is an Attack or Thwart event (or both)
  • You get more bang out of Finesse and Precision for the same reason
  • Gamora's Alter-Ego Action has a decent chance of drawing a card for the same reason

Event Mix:

The mix is only slightly unbalanced: 9 Attack, 10 Thwart, and 2 which are both.

Only 3 of 24 events are neither Attack nor Thwart:


  • Crosscounter is great when you don't want to basic defend (or when you do defend but it's a big attack).
  • Counter-Punch and True Grit let you get more than "-2 damage" if you decide to basic defend because of your Responses, allowing you to Defend and have it count for a bit more than a basic Attack (2 damage plus 1 threat removal with Counter-Punch) or basic Thwart (2 threat removal plus 1 damage with True Grit). This means I'm happy to basic Defend if I have one or both of these in hand.
  • Justice Served can obviously get you an extra ready during the hero phase, but it also combos well with True Grit if you can clear a scheme with it: Exhaust to defend, play True Grit to remove two from (and ideally clear) a scheme plus ping for a damage with Precision, then if the scheme was cleared discard Justice Served to ready. This means you want to get it into play before playing True Grit!


Her signature ally Nebula is a great tutor for a wide range of events.

There's a mix of the Basic Guardian allies:

  • Drax for attacking the villain
  • Groot for defending against minions
  • Rocket Raccoon for attacking minions
  • Martinex only costs 2 because you're a Guardian, and is good for 2 or 3 activations and a block.

Eros is Maria Hill minus the card draw: Come in, Thwart for 2, then block. I don't think I've ever used his Response.

Note: After playing Collector 1 and Collector 2, Wraith is probably the better ally for this slot!

You could easily swap Eros for Quasar whom I like for his "enters play" Response and 2 ATK, or Wraith whom I like for his Interrupt to cancel a boost effect and 3 ATK.

As mentioned above, this gives you 6 Guardian allies which is the minimum (for me) to run Knowhere.

Cost Curve:

Half of this deck is 0 and 1-cost cards (20), which is more than the 2 and 3-cost cards combined (17). This (ideally) maximizes Keen Instincts use and your Responses.

What do I miss?

  • The two cards I miss most for this deck are Turn the Tide and Endurance, neither of which come in Guardian products.
  • I certainly miss Clear the Area and Skilled Investigator, which are two of my favorite Justice cards. They both only came out of The Rise of Red Skull box though, so aren't part of the Guardian pool.
  • I could use Sonic Rifle which IS in the Guardian Pool (Venom), but I wanted to go event-heavy and build-lite so as to always get the extra "pings".
  • I'd also love Ironheart and Professor X in this deck, but the former only came in the Wasp hero pack and the latter in Mutant products.

Sep 21, 2023 GrootForPresident · 28

Deck restrictions are fun to play with, and this deck really doesn't suffer too much from the restriction!

I watched both videos while I was getting ready for work this morning (I'm a subscriber) and commented on the Expert video. Expert Drang actually seemed to go easier than Standard haha!

Sep 21, 2023 SoloMarvelChampion · 1333

@GrootForPresident I played a cleaner game against Expert Drang for sure! A few little play mistakes against Standard prolonged that game, and I actually made a mistake early against Expert when I discarded to get rid of the Spear; I should have been paying more attention to the order I discarded them, but I was still able to get the Set the Pace when I needed it, so it didn't have a huge impact on the game!

On the last turn in the Expert game I commented that I couldn't get rid of the threat on the main because of Patrol on Badoon Lieutenant, but I could have because her Finesse ability isn't a Thwart, and neither is using Milano to remove threat via Main 2B. I always think Patrol is the same as a Crisis icon, but it's not because Crisis says "threat cannot be removed". So my first Pivotal Moment still would have only dealt 2, but the 2nd would have dealt 5! If I hadn't been able to finish him on that turn I would have lost and been REALLY angry at myself LOL.