We drink alone

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Stretch · 424

Venom has one of my favorite decks. Since he doesn't have an ally, I guess Flash and Venom drink alone. I would love to add Helicarrier, The Night Nurse, Med Team, and Daredevil, but instead, we're going to fight alone in this build. No allies, just a ton of upgrades to thin out our amazing Venom deck.

Strategy: Mulligan for weapons. Symbiote Suit should probably wait until you have the kit setup due to the extra encounter card. We're concentrating on defense with Symbiote Suit, Booster Boots, Armored Vest, Energy Barrier, and Venom's Pistols giving us up to 8 defense when we're not using Grasping Tendrils. Then we come back with Electrostatic Armor, Unflappable, Dauntless, Spider-Sense, and three copies of Hard to Ignore. Desperate Defenses may save your pistols for other actions.

What Doesn't Kill Me heals and readies until you get this large kit in place. Down Time and Project Rebirth 2.0 make flipping down more bearable if you get a ton of enemies attacking and need a breather. Multi-Gun to remove a bunch of toughs.

The resources and enhancements help pay for Venom's expensive deck with the right resources. The other protection singles are there for variety. You could maximize the efficiency with just copies of Fighting Fit and Bait and Switch, but I like to see choices just for fun.

If Venom is going to invite anyone over for a drink, it would be Daredevil and The Night Nurse, just because I like to see them come out. Groot is amazing at taking hits from multiple enemies that hit for two or less, but he's not a drinker.