

Cost: 2.

Hero Unterbrechung (Verteidigung): Sobald der Schurke einen Angriff gegen dich einleitet, verhindere den Angriff. Falls du für diese Karte nur mit -Ressourcen bezahlt hast, betäube den Schurken.

Patrick McEvoy
Venom #3. Venom #3-4.
Greifende Tentakel

Am I the only one particularly annoyed that you can play Behind enemy lines with sense of justice, but this and savage attack seem to have their needed resource reversed when looking at Nerves of steel and martial prowess ?

Apart from that, amazing card. Prevent 2 attacks for 2 resources is amazing. Have an hellicarrier out and use venom's power to bypass the requirement for specific resources on any Venom's event, and you're golden.

Galdanor · 3
Unfortunately I don't think helicarrier can be used during the villain phase because it's an action. I've been using one enhanced physique in my decks (outside aggression which has lots of strength resources). — itsevaaan · 1
Have to say, this is the most infuriating card in the Venom pack for me. Precisely because the designers made the follow-on effect so infuriatingly difficult to use. Venom himself has precisely three cards that generate a strength resource...two copies of this exact card and a permanent (Project Rebirth). Which means you *really* have to design a deck around strength resources to make the most of this card. Which means the Justice (my personal favorite aspect for this hero) is largely a bust. If you want to get the 'webbed up' effect from this card, you're probably going to need to go with aggression for the near future. — MacGhille · 251
It really isn’t difficult to trigger the extra effect though. Use his hero ability to generate a wild resource in exchange for taking 1 damage. You have access to that no matter your aspect. That’s probably why he has 3 different event cards that each have different resource requirements. I would gladly trade 1 point of health for the effect of completely stopping two attacks — erikw1984 · 8

Cancelling the attack actually makes this card a mixed blessing with the protection aspect as cards like unflappable/electrostatic armour/hard to ignore/flow like water won't get a chance to occur. Spider-Sense now makes a lot more sense as you draw the card when the villain initiates the attack. Still a crazy good card.

Vulkan · 10
This is incorrect. According to most recent Hall Of Heroes ruling on Venom (Flash Thompson) — BraveTitan · 1
This is incorrect. According to most recent Hall Of Heroes ruling on Venom (Flash Thompson) "If the effect of an ability is canceled, the ability is still regarded as initiated, and any costs are still paid. In that sense, Grasping Tendrils can “cancel an attack”, but that attack is still considered initiated, and you are still considered to have defended against it by playing this Defense event. As such, you can trigger Indomitable and/or Unflappable off of that defense. Similarly, with Powerful Punch, you have still made “a defense” even if the enemy was defeated before it dealt damage to you." So all of the above would get the chance to occur their effects including Spidey-Sense. — BraveTitan · 1