Fast Setup Quicksilver Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Quicksilver - Perfected 2.0 31 22 0 2.0
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dalloway · 82

Quicksilver is usually played in Aggression or Protection, where he has amazing synergies, but he is a force to be reckoned with in Justice as well if you play to his strengths.

The key advantage Justice offers Quicksilver over Aggression or Protection is everyone's favorite Justice card One Way or Another. Playing it only once or twice in the early game drastically increases the speed at which he can get out his important cards. Justice Served is also an improvement over Battle Fury, providing a 1-Cost ready in aspect without hurting Quicksilver's fragile hit points.

If you've never played Quicksilver before, he's one of the more setup-heavy heroes, but unlike some setup-heavy heroes, he's formidable even when he's only got half his suite of cards on the field.

Setup Cards/Mulligan Priority:

  1. Deft Focus / Friction Resistance
  2. Accelerated Reflex
  3. Heroic Intuition / Hyper Perception
  4. Serval Industries
  5. Reinforced Sinew
  6. Scarlet Witch

Deft Focus pays for nearly all of Quicksilver's identity-specific cards, while Friction Resistance will generate at least two for you each round.

Serval Industries lets you recur your key events when you flip to alter-ego form: Always Be Running and Maximum Velocity. Flipping to recur 2-3 times once your deck is past the halfway point is the key to guaranteeing some truly impressive hand draws.

Your static basic power boosting cards raise his stats to THW 3 / ATK 2 / DEF 2. With one Maximum Velocity, you can get this to THW 5 / ATK 4 / DEF 4. An Adrenaline Rush on top of that gets you THW 5 / ATK 5 / DEF 4. When you're readying Quicksilver at least 3-5 times every player phase, as you will be by the second time through his deck, that's a lot of threat removal and damage.

Double Time is an important event for Quicksilver while he's setting up. Once he has most of the upgrades above on the board, it's usually better to burn it as a resource, but in the first few rounds of the game, it's better than what Quicksilver can usually do with his own basic powers.

You have three Avenger allies to use with Earth's Mightiest Heroes. You only really need one alive and on the field at any time, which you'd prefer to be Scarlet Witch for Superpowered Siblings, but Quake and Wiccan are cheaper and provide solid utility. Try to preserve at least one at all times, unless you need a blocker to survive.

One Way or Another is not a card you need to play every time you draw it after the early game. Its main use is to accelerate setup. You can play it again later, but always consider whether Quicksilver's basic powers would be better spent on damage rather than threat you create.

Always Be Running, Justice Served, and Earth's Mightiest Heroes provide you with 10 cards to ready Quicksilver costing 1 or less. Tenacity is often unnecessary given that another 1/4 of your deck is dedicated to readying you for less, but 2 copies seems to be enough to help smooth out some unlucky draws when you really need another ready. It won't hurt too much to swap out both copies if you feel like you need something else, though.

Customization & Troubleshooting

First, I'm a big proponent of running extra copies of Skilled Investigator over your 40 card minimum in a multiplayer game to play on other players. It does slow down your first run through your deck slightly, but since you will always be playing them when you draw them at 0-Cost, it's a more minor setback than usual when going over. It is less efficient, temporarily, but it's a good way to be a team player in Justice.

Second, One Way or Another is a card that benefits from metagaming. In my experience, it is usually dead weight in your deck if the starting encounter deck doesn't include at least three non-Victory side schemes. If you know you're going into a scenario with limited side schemes, swapping out One Way or Another and Skilled Investigator for a playset of another card is the right call. Or if you want to have the best time possible with One Way or Another, you can include the Temporal modular set, since Time Portal is always shuffled back into the encounter deck, making it the perfect target.

Retaliation is a big problem for Quicksilver given his fragility. You want to discard attachments providing it if possible before attacking. Everyday Hero is included as it's the most efficient healing Quicksilver can access in Justice given the fact he tries to avoid exhausting in alter-ego as much as possible. The healing only works in alter-ego form, but he likes to flip down a lot for Serval Industries anyway. If you're dealing with permanent retaliation or a particularly hard-hitting scenario, then you'll want to swap Everyday Hero for a set of something to improve his longevity.

Making an Entrance is a nice heal but won't always trigger when you need it; one problem may be there's not any threat to remove in a multiplayer game, given how efficient Quicksilver is at keeping it low. It's still a solid choice that also helps him thwart for even bigger numbers, though that's rarely help he needs. If you want more reliable healing, 2-3 copies of First Aid are probably better. Crew Quarters works great on Quicksilver, and is superior for his purposes to Endurance or Down Time.

Justice actually offers a superior if situational option to keep Quicksilver alive, however: if you're in a scenario with a decent number of side schemes, Chance Encounter becomes a great way to improve Quicksilver's durability by recurring Quake and Wiccan. 2-3 copies of Chance Encounter plus 1 Crew Quarters will likely give you the best durability increase in any scenario with enough side schemes for it to work.

If you're not making the other swaps and you know you're going against an especially hard-hitting villain, swapping Order and Chaos for Crew Quarters is probably the right call.

The combination of Agent Coulson and Target Acquired is a classic option that gives you some solid defense against nastier boost abilities, but 3-Cost can feel expensive for a hero who likes to play as many 1-Cost and 2-Cost cards each round as Quicksilver does, so expect to have to make some hard choices to get him out often.

Civic Duty is not recommended because you will not need it unless you're trying for highest theoretical threat removal in a round.