Lead From The Rear - T’Challa, Iron-Man, and Ronin

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

zero_aperture · 446

Squared off this build in a 2 player game against Standard Klaw with the Masters of Time modular set (which I must say is quite a challenging romp for me). Took the villain down after some revisions. Still a work in progress, but I’m excited to share the thoughts and experiences.

The Strat

The general strategy of this deck is to get out Ronin and Iron Man and build them up with all the upgrades to deal damage or thwart multiple times. Cards like Call for Aid really digs into your deck to get an Avenger ally into play. Shuri can also be used to help dig into your deck for upgrades for allies. Once your suped up allies are out, cards like First Aid, Avengers Assemble!, and Teamwork are available to keep these allies up and out longer to keep swinging hard.

Other notes:

Assess the Situation, The Golden City, and Avengers Mansion provide some pretty clutch card advantage. I’ve found myself being quite comfortable sitting on the throne as T’Challa as Iron-Man and Ronin went to work. I’ve also found it interesting I played no Black Panther upgrades or Wakanda Forevers in favor of building up my allies in the last game which was (surprisingly to me) viable.

Why Black Panther for this build? I find Black Panther to be a fascinating hero set. His Wakanda Forever! with BP Upgrades are well stated enough and can be mediocre compared to others heroes nowadays. But his set of Vibranium adds three additional double resource cards to the deck which gives an opportunity to increase the deck size (no one wants to draw a hand full of resources and IMO i feel a bigger deck dilutes that possibility). Tried this concept in Spider-Man as well, but couldn’t get the card advantage or focus that I needed.

Feedback appreciated. Thanks for reading.