Spider-Woman - Sixteen Ways to Stun-Day

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

D.M.Tip · 1105

The phrase “six ways to Sunday” is a common idiom used in English language. It refers to something that has been done thoroughly or exhaustively, leaving no room for doubt or uncertainty.

Hello my friends! I continue to love Spider-Woman's enticing deck-building possibilities. Here we've got a deck fully devoted to locking down the villain thoroughly and exhaustively, leaving no room for doubt or uncertainty to who is in control of the game.


Warning- This might not be fun solo because it's so controlling, so feel free to try it in multiplayer or against a Stalwart Steady villain!

The Sixteen Ways to Stun

1- Iceman drops a barrage of stuns on minions

2 & 3- Iron Fist TWO villain stuns!

4- Mockingbird And another from our dear Core Set friend

5- Spider-Girl More minion stun support (and confuse!)

6-7- Critical Hit is dependent on the PSS in the victory display, but not a bad way to stun in a pinch and becomes more accessible in multiplayer where a PSS is more likely to come out and land in the victory display.

8-10- Drop Kick is just fantastic, bringing damage, control, and a card! The kickers are easy with Finesse and Quincarrier.

11-12- Pheromones is pretty stellar too!

13-15- Tackle is pretty solid. Easy kicker too.

16- Astonishing X-Men stuns/confuses the entire board!

Other Deck Tech

3x Taunt really help you make use of your excessive stuns while also getting more Superhuman Agility triggers.

3x Press the Advantage also takes advantage of the unending supply of stun and confuse you can dish out.

Confuse support from Professor X and Psylocke takes this concept even further. We've also got the Night Nurse to limit any stun/confuse conditions that might eek through all of this control, such as those resulting directly from treacheries or villain flipping effects.

After some intense testing, I can say that I could digress from the theme a bit and swap out a few cards to shore up the glaring weakness of dealing with high HP minions. I'd probably remove 2x Tackles for 2x Hard Knocks and exchange the 2x Critical Hits for either 2x One by Ones or 2x Relentless Assaults. I didn't have problems with threat at all and was even able to clear Red Skull easily without making these changes.

Let me know what you think, if you give this deck a try, or if you have any suggestions to make it even better.
