Gamma Gunslinger

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Hulk - Gunslinger 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Hulk? 0 0 0 1.0


This is an update to deck I made 4 years ago. The old deck was a pretty sloppy construction but I still had a lot of fun with it, so I gave a fresh rebuild.

Hand Cannon really makes you feel like the Hulk. Smashing your way through opponents with ATK 5 and Overkill. Combat Training, Follow Through,Boundless Rage and "Now I'm Mad" are all just icing on the cake and allow you to mow through minions with damage leftover for the villain.

Deft Focus and Ingenuity may allow Hulk to play one of his bigger cards and still accomplish a second card play in a turn, but what he is usually aiming for in this deck is using Limitless Stamina, Battle Fury and occasionally Unstoppable Force to ready and attack again, keeping bonuses from a lot of the cards listed in the previous paragraph. He can also used this to remove Stuns, but he hopefully gets Unshakable into play to help delay doing so.

To help him keep attacking, Recuperation allows his to drop into alter-ego after attacking and still heal, or heal, ready and still attack without using up one of his ready cards.

Throg can eat a couple of attacks for Hulk and Sunfire offers a way to get rid of a problematic villain upgrade without eating up Hulk's cards and activation.

Looking for Trouble gives him a way to contribute a bit of help to thwarting in addition to his Sub-Orbital Leap cards, but this deck would have to rush very hard without help managing threat, so solo play is a gamble with it.

Remember you can only have 2 of the 3 Hand Cannons in play at once since they are restricted, but that still gives you to chance to use both in a turn with one of his ready cards. Watch out desperados, the Two-Gun Hulk just rode into town!