Combo Deck : Thwarting to Victory!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Fetch · 7

Hello my fellow Marvel Champions enthusiasts,

The goal of the deck is to transform Phoenix's high thwarting ability into high damage.

With the help of Heroic Intuition and Specialized Training, Phoenix can get to the incredible stats of 5/1/2 in restrained form and 3/3/2 in unleashed form.

The ''big bomb'' is this deck, the big combo, is to play Gunboat Diplomacy into Waylay in a single turn.

A complete combo can more than one shot a villain stage, dealing 15 damage and thwarting for 8 in the same turn, where 8 of the damage and the 8 thwart can be split among all enemies and schemes : Phoenix with a +2 Thwart stats + an ally with Mission Training attached to it (Blindfold for example) removes 8 threat and deals 8 damage with Gunboat Diplomacy and lets you play almost every time a full damage Waylay for an additional 7 damage. This is the perfect combo, but even without Mission Training or Heroic Intuition or Specialized Training on the board, you will deal some serious damage and thwart.

The combo is pretty consistent. It does require a few cards and some ressources, but with Phoenix's power counters, The X-Jet, the additional card you get from Cerebro, the 3 cards you get from One Way or Another (which also gives a low threat scheme to activate a full damage Waylay), you will get to perform it enough times to take down the villain.

Vigilante Training lets you get those combo pieces back into your deck to perform it again later.

Good performance in Expert true solo with many allies to block damage and high thwarting power to go back safely to alter-ego state to replenish your power counters, heal and get one more card on your turn to help you get the ressources for the combo.

This deck was made possible by a new card from Magneto's set : Children of the Atom. With Children of the Atom, every ally lets you trigger Gunboat Diplomacy.

Have fun!


Jan 10, 2025 andyr · 9375

super fun combo-ing. i can't wait to try this out!