I have yet to find a good use for the training cards. You pay 2 resources and get no immediate value that affects the board or draws cards. Say you want to reshuffle a powerful card like Turn the Tide. At 3 damage/1 resource it is one of the most efficient cards of the game, but if you add an extra resource to that from playing the training, you have mitigated that efficiency. I think you need a unique and compelling reason to play this. Like maybe you are in multiplayer and Spider-Man is necessary to beat some massive schemes. I believe this is a fun card that gives consistency to certain strategies at Standard or Expert difficulty levels, but if I am trying to build the best Justice deck possible I don't think I will include this.
Cost: 1.
Max. 2 pro Deck. Anwendungen (2 Trainingsmarker).
Alter-Ego Aktion: Erschöpfe diese Karte und entferne 1 Trainingsmarker von ihr → wähle ein Gerechtigkeits-Ereignis (gelb) aus deinem Ablagestapel und mische es in dein Deck.
War Machine #33.

The Training cards only reshuffle events, so you couldn't reshuffle Spider-Man. The only events I've really found worth it are the four aspected Mystic only events because they are (mostly) still amazing at +1 cost. Howevere, due to Sorceror Supreme, most mystics are comfy spending all their time in Hero Form...
Death by Chocolate
· 4
Oh my bad on Spider-Man. It's worse than I thought. I have realized there is value if you can use this on small deck size to guarantee you draw the card next turn, but still that is so narrow.
· 960
I’ve been thinking about Black Window in AE: https://marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/36100/black-widow-i-spy-1.0 and I think it will help in there - allow Homeland Intervention to be played more
· 135
Love using this on Three Steps Ahead and Gunboat Diplomacy. It's also great in a S.H.I.E.L.D. deck with Homeland Intervention and Global Logistics. As the game grows, there will probably be even more cards that end up making these Training cards shine.