

Cost: 4.


Held Unterbrechung: Sobald ein befreundeter Charakter eine beliebige Menge an Schaden durch einem Angriff nehmen würde, erschöpfe einen Avenger-Charakter und einen Guardian-Charakter → verhindere allen Schaden davon. Füge diese Menge an Schaden dem angreifenden Gegner zu.

War Machine #34.

I assume no one has ever reviewed this card because no one has ever played it in a deck?

Exhausting two characters instead of one to avoid damage is costly on its own. Forget that you would have to have a Guardian and Avenger both in play. Maybe w/ Starlord handing out the keyword, but who plays Starlord Protection???

Preemptive Strike only costs one and can deal all boost damage back to an enemy. So why would you ever pay three more AND exhaust two characters to add the villain's attack. Best used as card divider rather than in your deck.

It’s an alliance card so it’s meant for multiplayer where the cost can be split and the trait requirements are easier to meet. I would only use this for hard hitting villains with overkill like Ronan or Juggernaut. Being able to negate upwards of 10 damage and reflect back to the villain could be fun — erikw1984 · 29
I had Venom coming in for 40 damage and change once against Captain Marvel and Agent Venom. This card knocked that toothy grin of of his stage three face. — chearns · 7