Bring your daughter to work day

Card draw simulator

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theromeo3517 · 2206

Bring your Daughter to work day

Bring your daughter to work day

Mutant Mayhem is a cool new back of pack card from the Jubilee pack. This deck aims to use that card to make the most of two particular X-characters: Hope Summers and Beast. And since Hope and Cable are father and daughter, the theme felt spot on.

Picture of Cable and Hope Summers

Deck Summary


As usual, Cable wants to set up by clearing player side schemes. This plays differently depending on if you’re in solo or multiplayer. The choice of which PSS to start in play and how to get them cleared has been pretty well covered in other player deck, so I won’t go over it here. Just get a bunch of them solved! And when you clear Call for Backup grab Hope Summers or Beast.

The Triskelion and Team Training are nice to have to give some space for chump blockers and extra activations for Hope and Beast. You really don’t want to let either of these two leave play, because they are expensive to get back in.

IPAC and X-Bunker are there for some extra card draw. Be careful with IPAC early on, you don’t want an extra encounter card when you aren’t prepared to deal with it!

Beginning the Mayhem

Beast and Hope may spend some time on the table with just 1 hp left just chilling. If you play a Mission Planning you can get some more activations out of them anyway, which can help while you’re waiting for the right cards.

If Beast and Hope are in play, playing Mutant Mayhem is, by itself a 1 Effective Resource cost full heal for Hope and Beast. Beast will grab a double resource and Hope will grab one of Cable’s many superpower events. Now, Hope and beast are free to attack or thwart, AND you’ve got a double and a Mind Scan or Telekinetic Blast or Telekinetic Force Field in hand to deal with whatever you need to at the time!

Backup allies

If you don’t have one of the big allies out, or if you just want more options, Marrow and Triage also have great when played effects to trigger with Mutant Mayhem. Deadpool is also there, not for Mayhem, but to turn on Cable’s team up card and for the theme.

Strengths and weaknesses

This deck is a bit better in solo just because it’s a little easier to set up all the side schemes in a one player game. In multiplayer you can ask a friend for some resources to play mutant mayhem, though!

The cost curve is kind of high in this deck as well. We depend a bit on getting Graymalkin out early, and on getting multiple uses out of doubles thanks to Beast.

As with most cable decks, Shadows of the past is really really bad. Stryfe’s treachery cards can end a game on their own.

Side deck

  • Band Together can generate a lot of resource if you’re replete with allies, and BEAST can go get it. I found it was kind of a “win more” card, because if you’re set up with allies you don’t really need the money from the triple resource
  • Lead from the Front can be a cool way to get a bit of extra damage or thwart from your ally swarm. But Cable already has amazing events for damage and thwart so it tends to be not worth it
  • Strength In Numbers can get you some draw from your HOPE and BEAST who are just sitting there. In practice, I’ve found with the heals from MUTANT MAYHEM and protection from Mission Planning I could use their basic activations most turns
  • Make the Call, Rapid Response, Regroup. These cards are great, as always. They would do well in this deck. But they are pretty much always good and a bit played out, so I’ve elected not to include them here. Feel free to bring them in for a power boost!
  • Mission Leader, bring this in multiplayer for sure. In single player you can take it or leave it

Leave me a comment if you have any fun games with this deck, or cool card substitutions!


Jul 29, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 6366

This looks great! I will have to give this a try, but also you should totally play this the next time we play aka everybody loves having Cable around.

Jul 29, 2024 batman · 29

Love it!

Jul 30, 2024 Garthantash · 1

A deck focused on Beast? Count me in! I believe Triage can only heal Beast and Forge in this deck. Is he still worth including?

Jul 30, 2024 theromeo3517 · 2206

@Garthantash you could sub out for beak if you wanted, he's another good option. I found triage was useful for keeping beast topped off, or for healing another hero in multiplayer.

Jul 31, 2024 dr00 · 46589

Cable is an inspiration to single dads everywhere. this is also an absolutely insane combo with Cable. good stuff indeed

Aug 03, 2024 Janube · 2

What on earth is this deck doing not running Deft Focus or Teambuilding Exercise? And it's not running Specialized Training? Killin me

Aug 03, 2024 Garthantash · 1

I just ran this deck solo against Standard Klaw, Sandman, Ebony Maw and Unus. I did make a few tweaks for personal taste but never felt like it needed Deft Focus or TBE. Beast makes this deck sing for sure.
I am looking forward to playing it multiplayer however my regular group are going through Next Evolution so this deck won't quite work there.

Aug 04, 2024 theromeo3517 · 2206

@Janube give them a try! I found i had the economy I needed without them. I only wish team building exercise could pay for hope summers but it can't :(

@Garthantash yeah it's a shame you can't use this Hope in most of the NXE scenarios. Beast + Marrow with mutant mayhem is pretty good, but not at great at beast and hope

Aug 04, 2024 Garthantash · 1

Basic Hope and Hero Cable share printed X-Force so TBE should work.

Sep 06, 2024 Sluggie · 4

I find Beast & Hope Summers use this combo slightly better in an X-men Main ID as Hope Summers can steal the X-men trait for membership in Uncanny X-Men. But many others can still make great use of it. Cable is a good choice as he has several superpowers of up to $3. Don't forget Hope Summers can get ANY superpower card including those cycling upgrades.

I'm a little surprised you need to include Mission Planning with Team Training & no extra ready-ups. Who is gonna get this benefit? Triage, Marrow & Forge? Because the other 3 have heals from elsewhere and shouldn't need this. Would you consider Teamwork which can help Cable be the one clearing a scheme and yet doesn't hurt you nor the (1 ANY) ally.

I still recommend min 1x Band Together for Beast. Minimise a 1st turn blockage but keeps it around for the Beast recursion. Especially since you're not running Deft Focus nor Team-Building Exercise to pay that 3rd costing.

I'm not sold on Frenemies with Deadpool being so far down the Ally Want List.

I'd also run Mission Leader before X-Bunker anyway, in either Solo or MPer...Cable is a Soldier after all and gets the discount.

Nov 23, 2024 theromeo3517 · 2206

Update: Children of the atom! Phoenix! Cyclops! New toys! Add some of them in here too, they work great!