Carol Is Energized & Angry

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

GhostWithKnife · 71

Many people know that in Champions, Thor is an Aggression leaning Hero that loves him some Energy resources. What many people forget is he isn't the only one who cares about Energy resources. Our girl, Carol Danvers, also loves her some Energy. She also is really good at drawing cards and has a surprisingly good HP stat, but maintains a good hand size floor. So basically, Carol is just a better Thor! So, brush off your starter box and bust out the forgotten Hero, Shazam-I mean Captain Marvel!!!

So, why Aggression? Aggression was the first build I made with Carol, and in my opinion she's one of the best candidates for a red deck! Thanks to her strong 12 HP, 2 Attack & Thwart, her built in heal, and her consistent card draw, Carol is a potent Aggression pick! The only real gimmick she has would happen to be a big focus on energy (and being an Avenger) which actually helps her even more!! As time has gone on, Champions has continued to build Aggression and has opened up the Aspect to some incredibly powerful cards with Carol's favorite resource! We have a vast array of Energy allies, like Magik and Spider-Girl as well as some power attacks like One by One or Fluid Motion that make Carol even stronger every time we play an attack event! With her Energy Channel it's incredibly easy to abuse these powerful cards even when we can't get value out of them in the moment, and her Energy Absorption is a HUGE TRIPLE RESOURCE card that helps open her up to more expensive cards like Quincarrier and Sentry or even Into the Fray more easily. ( You can also try out Wolverine or the ally She-Hulk for more expensive but strong allies we can more easily cheat out with Carol!)

Since we already want One by One thanks to it's Energy resource, and Carol can draw plenty of cards in the long run, I figured why not treat ourselves with more powerful and cheap attacks? Pitchback is powerful since we can pretty easily get Aerial, Toe to Toe may get us a bit hurt but can help clear bigger minions or finish the villain in a hurry, and Precision Strike is great to help us get back some lost HP! Because we can so easily use these cheap attacks, Martial Prowess can help us have a resource at hand while Carol digs deeper with her ability, and Fluid Motion can net even more value by making us more aggressive! Aggressive Energy makes these cheap attacks even more lethal by increasing their damage, which can turn Pitchback into a 1 for 5 or Toe to Toe into a 1 for 6!!! To help keep us in the fight (as well as compliment Carol's natural stats and add another energy resource in a pinch) we run Endurance and Down Time to give us 15 HP and 6 Recovery! (Eat your heart out Logan!!)

All in all, I made this deck to try and showcase an older hero with a lot of newer cards that also shows off how good aggression can actually be! Carol is a powerful hero, and I think a great addition to any team or even solo experience!!