Hulk Protection vs Juggernaut

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

guarism0 · 89

(The Unstoppable Juggernaut meets the Immovable Object

The small hand size of amazing ability to lose all your cards make the Hulk very hard to fight Juggernaut by keeping his helmet off, so my idea is to keep recovering/healing with Recuperation, What Doesn't Kill Me, Down Time, and Endurance, and getting tough with Perseverance to sustain the hits.

Banner's Laboratory and Down Time are priorities so we can play Recuperation or just REC with Bruce.

The Night Nurse and Unshakable helps keep the Creeping Willow at bay.

Symbiote Suit is a late game play when we can't go down to heal.

The allies help with thwarting and getting rid of Juggernaut's tough.

Sometimes Limitless Strength will allow you to flip Juggernaut's Helmet so you can chomp block with an ally and hit for 4 (sometimes 5 if Boundless Rage is in play) with Hope Summers.

I lost 2 out of 10 with this deck in standard, most of the wins were thanks to a Hulk Smash at the end.

Good luck!

And please let me know any feedback.