Stand Together!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Denison · 7

This deck runs with a Thor companion deck that aims to pull minions from the encounter deck.

Unlike most other minion-centric decks that like to run aggression aspect events cards to mow them down and gain a benefit, these decks aim to hold them in place and used to fuel Thor's card draw ability.

Mulligan hard for Pinned Down. This card gets the engine running. There are eight cards between the two decks (Chooser of the Slain, Defender of the Nine Realms, and Looking for Trouble that summon minions, so Pinned Down is the real mulligan priority.

Once we have a minion pinned down, Thor can use Get Over Here! to pull it over when needed. Once Thor has a few harmless minions in front of him, "Bring It!" becomes a powerhouse of a card drawing several cards for zero cost.

The other goal for the deck is to trigger Stand Together, so there are six Guardian allies between the two decks (Angela and Throg are the other two) to support this gambit. Thor will have a surprising number of cards to chip in to make this card more easily afforded.

Valkyrie will be defending quite a bit, but she's not that great of a defender. Stand Together, Godlike Stamina, [Judoka Skill], (/card/38014) and Shieldmaiden will hopefully mitigate that weakness.