Thor power of swinging with hammer

Card draw simulator

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kujilikira · 43

Just got thor hero pack today, just looking at this hero card to me it just captain america with 1 less hand size. however after i play test it, i realize how strong thor is at killing minion.

Step 1 - Setup your board asap

resource generator - God of Thunder, Deft Focus

Combat - Battle Fury, Combat Training, Mjolnir, Hand Cannon

Step 2 - Find minion

use Looking for Trouble or Defender of the Nine Realms to pull out minion and remove 3 threat then draw 2 card from your hero ability(limit once per phase).

Step 3 - KILLL

How to - if you have setup everything, now you can just start swinging with your hammer, exhaust thor exhaust Hand Cannon use Mean Swing exhaust Mjolnir = profit of 9 ATK and overkill. after killing minion use Battle Fury take 1 dmg and ready your thor then use it swing again for 4 dmg. if you think its not enough go ahead and use Limitless Stamina to swing more dmg.


Odinson Alter ego ability is an Action not a setup. so if you forced to discard it just flip to alter-ego and get it back from your discard pile.

so Hammer Throw this card have a down side of returning Mjolnir to your hand. however now you know that your alter-ego power is Action not setup. what you can do is when you know you going to change to alter-ego, then you should go ahead and use Mjolnir as a resource for the extra value.

Potential Upgrade

The Power of Aggression change it to Audacity or Aggressive Energy Both ally Spider-Girl, Valkyrie just change it to any other ally you like. but take note prefer 3 cost or below since thor hand size is 1 less compare to others hero

Card that i will change when playing with 2 or more player

minus -2 Looking for Trouble for +2 Get Over Here!

why? well more player more encounter cards most likely your teammate already engaging a minion.

minus -1 Chase Them Down for +1 Gatekeeper

why? overall gatekeeper IMO is a better card than chase them down. you get to remove 4 threat instead of 2 anytime too and kill by any player, instead of you have to do the killing.


Dec 24, 2023 DarkScythe5 · 1

Sounds very fun I will try it out right now!