Beast of Limitless Strength

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

teamcanadahockey2002 · 8248

For many folks, Hulk has been basically unusable for a long while now, and one of the main concerns the community has had is that any newly released cards that would be helpful to Hulk, would be just as useful in other decks.

However, with the new Beast ally released, I think there is a unique opportunity here that the triple resource heroes can take advantage of. The goal essentially is to trigger Rapid Response with Beast on turns you have a 3 or 4-cost card in hand so you can then put him back in play and then go tutor for Limitless Strength. This means that whenever you have a Hulk Smash in hand, you can go get the triple resource needed to pay for it.

So knowing that we're locked into using Leadership, there are a few other useful synergies here. The first is Clarity of Purpose which will give both a wild resource to Hulk, but also allow him to make use of his massive health pool to pay for things. He can also use Ingenuity to get down a second generator, hopefully to give him some decent economy.

Then, to try and generate more card draw, we'll include the standard Strength In Numbers set, with 9 low cost allies plus The Triskelion, hoping to go 5 wide. If things go well, that 4 card hand size will eventually turn into 8, giving you the chance to find those Rapid Responses and get them back to the table. There will also hopefully be enough allies out that you can chump block with them to keep Hulk from always taking hits, but while you're setting up he'll be able to last for a while.

The Command Teams are actually quite important as you'll be wanting to save your Rapid Response trigger with Beast until an opportune moment, so he can be used as a trigger for Strength In Numbers. However, should you pull Hulk Smash as one of those 5 cards, you may want to use the Rapid Response trigger to get Limitless Strength, so the ability to ready Beast is helpful.

Other interesting combos here include using Machine Man and Hawkeye with any Limitless Strength you choose to find. It becomes a THW or ATK 4 for a single card with Machine Man, or an ATK 3 with Hawkeye (with no consequential) which isn't bad for a single card.

On turns you activate Rapid Response by giving Beast consequential damage, you can get 4 THW which can also help shore up that weakness. You can also block with Beast too when you draw into a 3-cost card and have Rapid Response on the table.

I don't claim this is the deck that 'fixes' Hulk by any means (for those who hold this opinion), but I do think it is pretty fun and thematic to have our two Geniuses team up and work together! Hope you'll find the same :)

Until next time Champions...


Dec 13, 2022 gelleetin · 20

Clarity of Purpose came to mind when I was looking for a Hulk deck to play, and I love the synergy with Beast and Rapid Response!

  1. Given the number of allies, have you tried adding a Band Together or replacing one of the double resources with one?

  2. Ironheart seems like it has a chance of drawing a high cost card at an inopportune time. What has been your experience? Any thoughts on replacing her with Vivian for the enter play effect, Pixie to recur Beast (though it doesn't jive with Rapid Response), or Wonder Man to make use of a dead card?

  3. Similar to above but to a much lower degree, how has Avengers Mansion worked in your plays? Would you cut it (or another card) to fit in Unshakable?

Kudos again on the deck idea; can't wait to give this a go at my next play session!