Iron Man Commands the Skies

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Buttons · 159

With this deck, I wanted to try out some of the Aerial synergy that Cloud 9 brings. Iron man gets an extra ready, making Cloud 9's thwarting buff more valuavle, and Iron Man's economy can pay to get the most use out of Captain Marvel that we can.

Building Iron Man: The first run through of the deck is always about getting the Iron Man suit built. Reinforced Suit is a tech upgrade, and can help you increase your hand size earlier. Ronin comes along as an obvious target for the reinforced suit. Ingenuity is also a must with Iron Man, especially to put you in aerial every turn. White Tiger can also be helpful early game to help churn through your deck to find those useful tech upgrades.

Aerial Allies: Captain Marvel and Cloud 9 are the two most important allies here. The deck is filled mostly with energy resources to help with Repulsor Blast, which is great for Captain Marvel's ability. Falcon and Command Team are there to give Cloud 9 another ready or two, buffing up your other aerial character's thwart as much as possible. With Iron Man's built in ready he'll get a lot of use out of that extra +1 to thwart. Snowguard is simply fantastic and another great aerial ally.

Rounding it out: Most of our allies we want to keep on the board as long as possible, meaning Team Training, The Triskelion, and Band Together are great pics. Stinger gets you an extra ally for Band Together, as well as a backup blocker if needed.Kaluu can help you get those late-game events when it's time to start punching as hard as you can. Lead from the Front and Teamwork are solid cards for making good use of strong allies, and are both energy resources.

Once you are set up, you'll be able to clear a ton of scheming, this deck is great for scenarios with a high-breaking point on the main scheme, or scenarios built around clearing a side scheme like Sinister 6. This deck was also really exciting against Venom Goblin, all three main schemes got really high, but then once my aerial team was ready we demolished them all back to 0.

I used this to beat the Sinister Motives campaign on expert, paired with Valkyrie Aggression.