Wasp Carries (the Table Through a Zombie Horde)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Schmendrix · 4972

Wasp What if!

Much maligned, little respected, Wasp frequently hovers (heh) in the bottom 5-10 in community surveys of heroes (see here). But, much like her triumphant march through the zombie hordes, it's time for Wasp to pump the Pym Particles and be recognized for her potential as a threat management monster.

I'll share The Quantum Realm's 4P run of Mad Titan's Shadow's Tower Defense to give a sense of the potential. The City Under Attack side scheme is like it was designed to power up Justice's triggers. If you watch the video, you'll see Wasp fairly routinely thwarting for 10+/turn.

Unfortunately, I have to acknowledge that this deck requires a completionist's collection - cards from 17(!) packs. There are some swaps possible, but the deck's engine is built on cards from the Venom and Nebula packs and Mad Titan's Shadow: Making an Entrance, One Way or Another, Justice Served, and, to a much lesser extent, Ready to Rumble.

Our core conceit

The core conceit is that Wasp is NOT a form changing hero. At least, not here. This deck is built entirely around her Giant form. The Tiny form exists to cheat a ready via Ready to Rumble or an extra card from Pym Particles to pay for Rapid Growth. Start in Giant, Thwart for 4 with Heroic Intuition and Wasp's Helmet, flip down to Tiny, proc Ready to Rumble, ready, Thwart, play Rapid Growth with Pym Particles to draw and flip up to Giant and Thwart for 6. This big ol' bug lady's going to carry the table to the promised land.

So what do we get in exchange for eschewing Tiny form? We get a 4 Thwart basic activation that we're going to regularly pump to 6 (via Rapid Growth and Making an Entrance). And we're going to spread our burst thwart around to ready and draw. We're also going to rely on our unrivaled side scheme board management to power up our economy; learn the Encounter deck and play One Way or Another when profitable. The healing provided by Making an Entrance and Pym Particles will also mean that we can face tank hits to protect our Basic Thwart activations.

The synergy created by pulling side schemes and clearing them is enhanced with Justice Served. Multitasking helps ensure that when we spread our basic Thwart activations around, we're doing it for maximum impact clearing side schemes. Every clear will produce cards and readies.

The ally suite and supporting cards

The precise makeup of the ally suite really doesn't matter here. I would run Ironheart, Nick Fury, and Wraith, but the rest are really to your discretion. Jessica Jones could make sense here, for example. Clear the Area is a nice add for an additional trigger, and Helicarrier and Quincarrier help mitigate Wasp's inherent economy challenges and are a nice way to translate One Way or Another windfalls into sustainable economy.

40 cards and 1 for you to cut

And true to my value promise ;), you get 40 cards and one for you to cut.