Star-Lord - Avengers of the Galaxy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Spliff · 659

Okay, I know. We all want to play Star-Lord with a bunch of Guardians because theme, but hear me out.

What’s a card with really cool effects but never gets played because it’s so expensive? That’s right, Avengers Assemble!. What if you can play it just for 1? Sign me up.

So we make Star-Lord a team full of Avengers. Use all of the high cost big Avengers, hopefully they help get rid of all the extra encounter cards you get from “What Could Go Wrong”. Avengers Tower will help you get them out a bit easier while you can spend your extra resources on cheap upgrades like Laser Blaster and Sky Cycle.

Team Training will give your Allies the extra HP to stick around for your big events. Once your board use all your Allies to put a hurt on them, then use Avengers Assemble! to put it on again, but harder.

By now, you’ve probably heard about the Blaze of Glory trick as well. When you start your turn as Star-Lord you can drop Blaze of Glory, do your thing, then switch to Peter Quill to avoid damage on any of your Allies (and you!).

Rounding this out is Rapid Response. When it comes to high cost Allies this is a much better costed option over Make the Call. Also the Basic double Resources to help pay for really expensive cards, or help to drop Team Training or the Rapid Response cards.

What about Star-Lord’s Hero cards? Don’t worry about it, you’re playing Leadership! Though Leader of the Guardians and Star-Lords's Helmet are good ideas to help Thwart and give you extra cards respectively.

Now go out there and show what a bunch of Guardengers... er, Avengians... uh, what you can do!

***Update: I had to drop Honorary Avenger because you needed to be an Avenger to play it, but that just makes more room for Upgrades. Enter two Reinforced Suit.


May 14, 2021 neothechosen · 10648

Hey! Your other deck disapeared! Guess I'll have to like this one!

May 14, 2021 Spliff · 659

Maybe because of the update? Thanks for liking it!

May 14, 2021 neothechosen · 10648

That would make sense. Thx for the share!

May 14, 2021 Onions · 80

I love the idea of Star-Lord in Leadership, but I can't get over the synergies with Aggression. Sentry boosts half of your hero-specific cards and you can guarantee physicals (or lightnings) for hulk in alter ego. Drop Kick works perfectly with "What Could Go Wrong?". Plan of Attack lets you search for the busted Sliding Shot, AND it has a perfect Star-Lord quote (yes, that counts as a synergy). I get the Blaze of Glory trick, but it feels tiny compared to the Aggression combos.

May 14, 2021 neothechosen · 10648

Star lord feels like he can pull off anything, I think he's one of the most versatile out there.

@Onions Thanks for pointing those out, I think I missed a few, I was so absorbed by leadership and justice...

One question though: does " what could go wrong really trigger drop kick to the fullest? I had doubts about it.

May 14, 2021 Onions · 80

Question about Hulk’s Crushing Blow. The card says you can “only spend strength resources to pay for this card.” How absolute is that? Can you reduce the cost of the card with Helicarrier to 0, and still play it?

The “You can only spend [physical] resources to pay for this card” ability applies only when actual resources are being spent for Crushing Blow. So yes, if you can reduce the resource cost of Crushing Blow to 0 (such as through Helicarrier), then you effectively get around his.

At the same time, if Crushing Blow’s resource cost is ever increased, you would also have to spend physical resources for that extra cost.

May 14, 2021 Onions · 80

From Caleb.

I presumed this would work for Drop Kick

May 14, 2021 Onions · 80

I also think that Surprise Attack would be phenomenal with him,

May 14, 2021 Spliff · 659

Aggression is a different build. There’s a lot of high cost m, but good value aggression cards that work, and that’s going to be my second build with him.