Black Widow Protection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Larranz · 39

Hello there!

I ask you for advice for this deck. I state that it is the first that i create by myself and i would like to make it competitive both for single campaign and for multiplayer. At the moment i am facing the Red Skull campaign in expert mode but i cannot even beat Crossbones, when i am close to winning there is always an unexpected that leads me to defeat. The deck is set on defense, Armored Vest and Synth-Suit grant a defense value of 4. Nerves of Steel is essential to be able to play defensive events without losing cards from the hand. Desperate Defense, Synth-Suit and Indomitable allow me to ready my hero almost always after defending the attack of the criminal. Tackle, Iron Fist and Never Back Down help a lot by stuning the most dangerous enemy in play. Momentum Shift and The Night Nurse allow recovery without having to leave the hero form. The other cards allow me to both intervene and attack depending on the situation. Everything is obviously based on the presence of the Armored Vest and the Synth-Suit, without which i am quite disadvantaged. How could i go about overcoming this difficulty? Thanks everyone for any comments!


Apr 27, 2021 journeyman2 · 23919

It’s a fine deck, but right now you have conflicting strategies and it is too big which makes it harder to see your important cards. You either want to be defending for bonuses or stunning but likely not both. Black Widow doesn’t have the economy to play expensive cards like Iron Fist and still play defense events in the villain phase. So first I’m going to recommend lowering the cost curve by going the defense event route and slimming things down.

-1 Iron Fist

-1 Nova

-2 Tackle

-2 Momentum Shift

-1 Nerves of Steel (max 1 per player)

-1 Unflappable (max 1 per player)

-1 Armored Vest

-2 Preemptive Strike (Attacrobatics is better)

-2 Indomitable (you don’t need this with both Synth-Suit and Desperate Defense, as you won’t be defending that many times per turn anyway)

-2 The Power of Protection (no need anymore)

-1 Target Acquired

+1 Clea (cheap block)

+1 Starhawk (cheap ally)

+1 Ironheart (cheap ally)

+3 Hard to Ignore (threat removal)

+1 Electrostatic Armor (more ping damage)

This would put you at a tight 41 cards with plenty of blocking power. I like using Defensive Stance to pretty much always trigger Synth-Suit.

Apr 30, 2021 Larranz · 39

@journeyman2 I made the changes you suggested and I won very easily against both crossbones and absorbent man. The deck runs great! Thanks so much!

Apr 30, 2021 journeyman2 · 23919

I'm glad it helped!!