"Grey" Hulk Excelsior deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DoxaLogos · 229

This is a "Grey" Hulk deck I've been testing for an upcoming solo challenge against standard Ultron. I tried expert and it was close, but I had the perfect opening turn to make it a long way. I think Standard is hard enough with this.

Supports Avengers Mansion as always, this gets Hulk's hand size up to normal levels.

Quincarrier is for economy and for helping to remove Upgraded Drones

Helicarrier is another economy support card that might not be necessary, but still extremely helpful with Hulk's small hand size. The two supports are the priority.

Upgrades Down Time is to help him stay in alter-ego form less. Get this with Banner's Laboratory, and Hulk is recuperating for 8! I did not include Endurance because of his high health and his Immovable Object gives him +4HP.

Events I may not need the Recuperationwith Down Time and Banner's Laboratorydown. It can still come in useful at times when you're already exhausted going into alter-ego, and it has a physical resource that synergizes with Hulk's deck.

Beat 'Em Up is essential when going up against Ultron. Other than his Thunderclap, there are no AOE attacks other than this card. It can wipe the board very nicely when the drones aren't upgraded.

To The Rescue is there to help with more thwart capability since Hulk can't do it. This way he can still attack and play this to help with thwart. However, 2 cost cards are just no efficient in his deck until you get Avengers Mansion and Helicarrier into play.

Assess the Situation is there to round out his hand when he has to dump the rest at the end of the turn in Hero mode. It is still worthwhile to play in alter-ego mode for a bigger next turn there too. However, don't be afraid to spend it, since resources are tight.

First Aid is there if you need to keep Hulk in hero mode or can't afford to recuperate because you need to Hulk Smash right away when you flip back to hero form.

Allies I put two high cost allies in because they're cheaper than their cost.

Lockjawplays from the discard pile, so he could be used in a pinch to get some thwart done.

Nick Fury is there for card draw and mostly thwart as well.

Spider-Man/Miles-Morales is there for thwart coming from the hand or a potent punch on an Advanced Ultron Drone to one-shot it.

Ironheart and Mockingbird are your blockers.


Including all the basic resources because Hulk needs it with that tiny handsize. The Power In All of Us is necessary with all those basic cards!