She-Hulk - SPEED RUN 15 turns

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10660

*Re-publishing with the correct list as the new Wasp AND Quicksilver cards are now available!

Changes: removed 2 Piercing Strike for 2 Brute Force; replaced Assess the Situation with Adrenaline Rush; put Surprise Attack where it belongs (I originally published before it was available)

I've been eager to get my hands on the Wasp hero pack. It is filled with a lot of great aggressive cards, IMO it will help aggro solo decks a lot.

I remember reading about that Captain Marvel justice speed run that cleared the campaign in 15 turns.

This is EXACTLY what this She-Hulk did, and with ease. Cleared every villain from RORS in 3 turns. It's super-agressive, super simple, super satisfying! How does it work?



TURN 1: flip, deal 2 dmg with 'do you even lift?', play Surprise Attack for 4 dmg. Basic attack (3dmg), One-Two Punch, basic attack (3 dmg). Play Counterattack. First stage is done.

Crossbones attacks, you use Counterattack and deal 3 dmg.

TURN 2: only 4 cards in hand is really rough and the only reason you won't win in 2 turns. You play the Hulk, attack for 3, ready from Earth's Mightiest Heroes (exhausting Hulk), attack for 3. Revert to Jennifer Walters.

TURN 3: flip, deal 2 dmg, basic attack and win. Could have dealt way more, which only shows how strong She-Hulk would be with a larger hand size.

Move to the next. If it goes as well for you as it did for me, you'll spend more time sorting cards and building the next encounter deck than actually playing the campaign!

Have fun!


Feb 07, 2021 DukeWellington · 5236

Love this deck. I use Miles instead of Tigra for the burst damage, and I'm on the fence about cutting assess the situation because it's so good with split personality, but adrenaline rush is awesome with one two punch, so yeah. The deck rocks.

Feb 07, 2021 neothechosen · 10660


Thanks! Indeed Miles is awesome for burst, I was sitting on a fence because he's not an Avenger for EMH and Tigra is... Glad you like this (and nice comments for She-Hulk!).

have fun!

Feb 08, 2021 norsah1947 · 1

This build is better than the previous one. Thanks for the update!

Feb 08, 2021 neothechosen · 10660


Totally agreed... the new cards really help in that regard!

Have fun!

Feb 08, 2021 Superbosher · 146

Please could you like my decks because I liked yours.

Feb 09, 2021 DukeWellington · 5236

Just took it on a run. Taskmaster gave trouble. He was 1 threat away from winning, but I killed him turn 3. On Zola I killed the first stage on first turn with Spiderman, but he had a great first turn as well and did 10 damage. Fortunately, I had a double resource and a Gamma Slam. I killed him on turn 2, finishing the entire campaign in 14 turns.

Feb 10, 2021 gustave154 · 22

14 turns?? My one Kang solo game can last longer than that lmao. Good job

Feb 10, 2021 neothechosen · 10660

@DukeWellington Ok, now I'm getting jealous LOL! Never managed to be so lucky as to finish a villain in 2 turns. 14 turns for the whole campaign... wow, so cool! Thx for the feedback!

Feb 26, 2021 journeyman2 · 23801

Very nice! But, @DukeWellington``@neothechosen Does Assess the Situation work with Split Personality? Split says "printed hand size" which makes me think no. Otherwise, that does sound great!

Feb 26, 2021 neothechosen · 10660

@journeyman2 tbh I haven't used Assess the Situation in conjunction with Split Personality but I've seen a few people who mention it. Your analysis might be right though, I wonder if there's a clarification / ruling about this somewhere??

Apr 22, 2021 Power Pickle · 3

This deck only really works in Standard - Expert is rouuuugggh. Really fun deck though!

Apr 23, 2021 neothechosen · 10660


Indeed. Originally, the concept of speed runs was about standard mode, so the deck was meant for that. Honestly I haven't tried expert - or scenarios outside of RORS. I don't think it can do as well with those, the games being longer and the starting side schemes in expert impeding on your ability to finish things off in a flash. I think another deck should be needed for that.