CapFlaps Again!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
CapFlap 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

adsarf · 440

A slight upgrade to my Capflap deck, a solo Cap protection deck without Unflappable.

The idea of this deck is that playing solo I will stun the villain rather than defend, so none of the Protection cards that pivot around defending are used. Obviously I don't manage to stun every single turn, but Captain America's Shield is enough to get me by, and I can guarantee having it in place right from the start of the game.

For this version I now have a spare Endurance, and I have added Honorary Avenger to use on Black Widow. The idea of that is to combine with the existing Med Team in the deck so as to get better value from her thwarting. With only one copy in the deck the odds of playing it aren't fantastic so I don't think it revolutionises anything.


Jan 16, 2021 ToneeTales · 5222

This deck looks fun. I will have to try it sometime.

I haven't explored protection much in solo. Normally when I play protection I have to block for multiple people per turn so I've never tried a protection deck that doesn't block.

Jan 16, 2021 adsarf · 440

Thanks @ToneeTales. I've no experience of playing protection in multiplayer at all, but I can see that this deck wouldn't work for that.

My main learning point actually using this deck was never to let Black Widow into the discard pile. Just too painful when Legions of Hydra comes out...