
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
CapFlaps Again! 1 1 2 1.0

adsarf · 440

A variation on the theme of Captain America stun-lock decks. I play mostly solo expert due to not being good enough to try heroic.

My approach is to strip out all the cards (for e.g. Unflappable) that rely on the Captain defending, as I aim to stun the villain every turn, and avoid defending altogether. Of course that doesn't always work - at least not at my skill level - but with the shield out the basic DEF of 3 and Retaliate 1 is enough, and there are also plenty of allies that I want to cycle through for their enter-play effects (Brother Voodoo, Iron Fist, Mockingbird, and, of course, Nick Fury).

I tend to take persistent ping damage from minions, so Momentum Shift and Med Team are used to keep the Captain healthy. I know that using Med Team on your hero isn't usually the best approach, but my best allies are ones I want leaving and entering play as often as possible, so I don't tend to heal them. With Fearless Determination and some good allies this deck has pretty strong thwarting, but not so strong that I am really happy to shift in to alter ego mode playing solo and let the villain scheme (possibly twice, if I draw the wrong encounter card).

Down Time isn't a great fit for this deck because, again, the objective is to stay in hero form throughout; but all my copies of Endurance are in other decks that need it more at the moment.

I'm also less than perfectly convinced by Enhanced Awareness. Usually by the time that I've got both it and Widow out, the game is all over bar the shouting so it doesn't have much impact. I'm not sure what would replace it though - another Med Team or Momentum Shift wouldn't add much either.