Spider-Man leads big guys

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

wehehe · 198

This is not the typical leadership ally-swarm deck, but a deck more focused in playing a big guy, and let him crush the villain.

Goliath is our first option. With his action, he can attack for 5 during a turn, but thanks to Inspiring Presence, Get Ready, Sky Cycle and the extra HP of Honorary Avenger and Reinforced Suit you can use him easily 3 times in a turn.

Giant-Man is our plan "B".It is not as effective as Goliath, but it can also crush some skulls if you get some Inspiring Presence's and Reinforced Suit

Ronin also gets benefit from having lots of ugprades, so it's a nice inclusion to the deck, such as Iron Man, which can get them for free.

Also, Black Cat is so great if you can attach to her Honorary Avenger, Sky Cycle and Inspired.

In this deck, the role of the hero is to be our main defender, while the allies cover the attack and Thwart roles. Also, thanks to Spider-man's interrupt, we have virtually a hand of 6 cards in Hero form. Keep also in mind that our alter ego helps us to play the expensive allies and upgrades. The deck is expensive, so it is important to use that extra resources.

Maybe it will not be a top deck, but is a quite fun one to play. Once I've managed to attack 4 times in the same round with Goliath, flipping the Green Goblin to Stage 2 and finishing the game in the same round.