3-4 Player Burst Thwart - Unthreatened Team is a Happy Team

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

hootorama · 42

This is a 3/4 player themed deck with only 3 event cards in the entire deck that can deal targeted damage (not counting the proc off of Even the Odds clearing side schemes). Make sure your group knows you'll be carrying team's threat removal, so that they can handle any minions that may come your way.

  • You will want to hard mulligan for Shrink if possible, keeping an event at the start to deal with any threat on the board that is part of Setup if needed.

This deck is built to abuse Shrink.

Shrink increases the amount of threat a THWART event removes by 2. This effect increases each instance of threat removed by 2. So in the case of Multitasking, Removing 2 and 2 threat would be increased to 4 and 4 threat. Three Steps Ahead (if paid for with 3 different resources) would normally remove 2, 2, and 2 threat (6 total). Shrink makes that 4, 4, and 4 threat (12 total). If you pay for Three Steps Ahead with Passion for Justice and trigger Operative Skill, that increases to 6, 6, and 6 threat (18 total from a single card!). Keep in mind that you cannot overpay for cards, so any extra resources paid for Three Steps Ahead are wasted, and do not trigger additional threat removal past the required 3. Wild resources do not count for other resource types when paying for Three Steps Ahead. So using two Digging Deep along with a Passion for Justice would count as only ONE resource type spent, which would only be a single instance of 2 threat removal.

Ms. Marvel's second greatest card after Shrink is actually her Hero card! Morphogenetics is very powerful and allows you to Exhaust Ms. Marvel to return the last ATTACK, THWART, or DEFENSE event back into your hand to play it again (or even tuck it under Bruno Carrelli after flipping down to Alter-Ego to keep it handy for the next turn!). This can be used to remove ridiculous amounts of threat and essentially clear the board of threat every turn and keep it cleared for the rest of the game, letting your team flip down to Alter-Ego as needed without worry.

With smart use of Overwatch, you can clear most of the board of threat in one turn. It pairs well with Even the Odds if you're lacking a THWART event that can hit the Main Scheme. I run only 1 copy of Crisis Averted as a backup in case of a Crisis Icon. If it's not needed, I just tuck it under Bruno Carrelli for times when I do actually need it - either to do a big THWART on the Main Scheme, or if I need a Mental Resource to trigger the effect of Multitasking or Three Steps Ahead.

Between Biokinetic Polymer Suit and Sense of Justice, you should have plenty of resources to play most of your events, and they also count as two different resources for Three Steps Ahead! Digging Deep works well with her Alter-Ego action Teen Spirit, potentially giving you two (or even three) cards in your hand. Just try and pay attention to what Ms. Marvel cards you have in your Discard pile, as her ability can go through your deck pretty rapidly, or even whiff and cause you to deck out and deal yourself an Encounter Card. Though, this can be used strategically if you know you have a big card draw coming up and want to refresh your deck to get those good cards back into your hand (or tucked under Bruno Carrelli).

The four allies in this deck are strong for this playstyle. Wasp helps deal with Crisis and Patrol, and can then take a hit for you on the following Villain Phase if needed. Vivian can blank Crisis or Patrol if needed, or even prevent a Side Scheme's When Defeated from triggering after you clear it. Speed is just fantastic for additional burst thwarting when needed.

Please let me know how this deck works for you! I've played close to a hundred games with this deck and it's never failed me or my team! Well...except that one time, but we won't talk about that.


Mar 24, 2025 boomguy · 2778

I’ve seen this becoming action and it absolutely annihilates any threat turn after turn, regardless of player count. Awesome!

Mar 24, 2025 hootorama · 42

@boomguy Much better than my Psylocke aggro deck, right? Thanks, boomguy!!

Mar 25, 2025 UrinalSharts · 76

Thabks for sharing it, and also explaining how it works. Super stoked to try it out!

Mar 25, 2025 LordMalik · 1

Pretty sure you can spend wild resources for three steps ahead.

The card does not specify it's the 'printed' resources used, and FFG 1.6 states:

A wild resource () is one of the four types of resources.

• Wild resources can be spent to pay the resource cost of cards and abilities. When a player generates a wild resource (), they may specify which resource type (energy, mental, physical, or wild) it is being used as.

» When a card that generates a wild resource has its resources doubled, each of its wild resources can be declared a different type.

You can't overpay Three Steps Ahead, but you CAN pay 3 wild for 3 stances of treat removal.

Mar 25, 2025 hootorama · 42

@LordMalikYou're 100% correct. Which actually makes it easier to play, and gives the potential for Three Steps Ahead to remove 7, 7, and 7 threat with 2x Passion For Justice.