Spirit of Gwengeance (Video in Description)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SortofBoard · 89


Note: You must read this in your best 90s gravely growl of a voice for maximum effect. Except for the parts in (parenthesis and italics), then you can break character for a moment.

This isn’t your usual, happy go lucky, good spirited, neighborhood Ghost-Spider from another multiverse! This Gwen has trauma! (I know the original Gwen also had some trauma because of the events from the first issues, but I feel like she dealt with them in a healthier way.) She was tragically killed by Green Goblin and her boyfriend was turned into a giant reptile. But her anger wouldn’t let her stay down for long. The Spirit of Vengeance made a deal with her and now she stalks the city streets, looking to Face the Past and grant peace to her former boyfriend while killing anything that gets between her and revenge.

Like this, but pinker and purpler and with guns: ![]()

She’s edgier than you’ve ever seen her and she has an attitude now because "Now She’s Mad". Her anger makes her more powerful the longer a fight goes on and her Blood Rage fuels her abilities and keeps her going as enemies fall before her. She’s had some Combat Training to make her vengeance swifter and seeing her fellow Warriors of the Great Web fall in combat makes her even stronger. She’s comes equipped with a nasty pair of Hand Cannons, and a set of blades that will let her rip and tear through her foes. Jarnbjorn will hack apart most basic enemies and she has Godslayer to let her focus on ending anyone that her vengeance is unique attuned to. She has straps, sheathes, and Side Holsters all over her redesigned costume.

She's always on the prowl Looking for Trouble and between her usual abilities and her Mean Swing she's taking down evil wherever it lurks. She’s closely tied to the Web of Life and Destiny and will one day join the other edgey fallen warriors in the Hall of Heroes. She’s ready to Lock and Load and blast any obstacle out of her way. And don’t forget The Best Defense… is killing your opponent before they can kill you.

Now that that’s out of the way I should probably tell you how to play the deck. Your goal for this is to do damage to the villain at every opportunity while keeping the board clear of minions.

Mulligan Priorities:

1: Economy Kit (Web-Bracelet or George Stacy) 2: An ally to help with early game thwarting 3: Key Upgrades and their Tutors (Locked and Loaded, Superpower Training, Combat Training, or a weapon)

This deck’s weakness is threat removal so you’ll be very reliant on luck of the draw, banking your threat removal with George Stacy, or having your allies ready to help out. Otherwise the deck is pretty straight forward to play. Keep one Hand Cannon out at a time and get Godslayer out ASAP if you want to maximize damage on the villain. I included Jarnbjorn because I was running a bunch of physical resources anyway and we have lots of attack options to trigger it, but to be honest in two thirds of my test games I didn’t make use of it because I had other resource priorities. Blood Rage is very easy to trigger with assistance from your Hand Cannons and if you also play a card off your basic that triggers one of your events, it’s pretty easy to have turns where you’re drawing three extra cards very often.

Most of the time The Best Defense… will not protect you any more than just using you defense, but I included it because it gives this deck another villain phase trigger to make use of. I’d hold onto for those hands when you want to protect your hp without using any additional resources to ready her up afterwards. I like running Hall of Heroes since it’s usually pretty easy to get one activation from it, but with us running this much overkill, hopefully you’ll have more chances to use it while still getting damage on the villain. Feel free to cut it if you don’t feel like it will end up being useful. Face the Past is a safe pick for Ghost-Spider since it usually not hard to knock The Lizard out the same turn you summon him.

Let me know if you have ideas that would make this deck a little more self-sufficient at dealing with threat. I toyed with the idea of running Chase Them Down instead of Looking for Trouble, but went with the choice I did because I thought the deck would work better calling out minions instead of relying on encounter cards being deck to trigger the events.