Spirit of Gwengeance aka 90s Anti-Hero Ghost-Spider

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
copy 0 0 0 1.0

SortofBoard · 82

Note: You must read this in your best 90s gravely growl of a voice for maximum effect. Except for the parts in (parenthesis and italics), then you can break character for a moment.

This isn’t your usual, happy go lucky, good spirited, neighborhood Ghost-Spider from another multiverse! This Gwen has trauma! (I know the original Gwen also had some trauma because of the events from the first issues, but I feel like she dealt with them in a healthier way.) She was tragically killed by Green Goblin and her boyfriend was turned into a giant reptile. But her anger wouldn’t let her stay down for long. The Spirit of Vengeance made a deal with her and now she stalks the city streets waiting to grant peace to her former boyfriend and kill anything that gets between her and revenge.

She’s edgier than you’ve ever seen her and she has an attitude now because "Now She’s Mad". Her anger makes her more powerful the longer a fight goes on and her Blood Rage fuels her abilities and keeps her going as enemies fall before her. She’s had some Combat Training to make her vengeance swifter and seeing her fellow Warriors of the Great Web fall in combat makes her even stronger. She’s comes equipped with a nasty pair of Hand Cannons, and a set of blades that will let her rip and tear through her foes. Jarnbjorn will hack apart most basic enemies and she has Godslayer to let her focus on ending anyone that her vengeance is unique attuned to. She has straps, sheathes, and Side Holsters all over her redesigned costume.

Between her usual abilities, her Mean Swing, and her Skilled Strikes no one can escape her attacks. She’s closely tied to the Web of Life and Destiny and will one day join the other edgey fallen warriors in the Hall of Heroes. She’s ready to Lock and Load and blast any obstacle out of her way. And don’t forget The Best Defense… is killing your opponent before they can kill you.

      • Munkey