SCL Season 17, Round 5 - Nova justice - Venom Goblin, Longsh

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Nova Basic Justice 0 0 0 1.0

babycorn · 33

Solo Champions League season 17, round 5. Nova justice vs Venom Goblin/Symbiotic strength/Longshot (expert)

Thought I'd decide to post a run through of my first game, just to help those who may be struggling.

Setting Nova up for a one turn kill once Venom Goblin III is revealed with Follow the Trap to help, some AdreRush to boost.

Turn 1 – VG II 17Hp, Main schemes Upper Manhattan/Midtown Manhattan/Lower Manhattan 0/2/1

Opening hand: Symbiote Suit, CttW, CttW, Jesse Alexander, Pivotal Moment, UNF, Pot Shot, LSF. Mulligan JA, PM, PS, LSF -> PM, Specialized Training, "Go for Champions!", AdreRush.

CttW > Supernova Helmet, flip to hero.

Exh SNH > UNF Nova THW (1) Lower manhattan > rdy SNH > rdy Nova/draw 1 (OWoA) OWoA > Festering Mass (5threat) > draw 3 (pot shot/Heroic Intuition/Strength)

Exh SNH, strength, CttW > Symbiote suit

Nova THW (2) MM > rdy SNH > rdy Nova/draw 1 (Nick Fury)

Exh SNH, pot shot, “GFC”, PM > Nick Fury > draw 3 (genius/AdreRush, TtT). Genius > Heroic intuition. NF THW (2) Festering mass, Nova THW (3) Festering mass = 0 > rdy SNH > rdy Nova/draw 1 (forcefield protection)

TtT > AdreRush, Forcefield protection > AdreRush, Exh SNH > Specialized training. Nova THW (3) Specialized training = 2

Upkeep – draw CtA, AdreRush, Moon Girl, DFocus, forcefield protection, CtA.

Enemy phase, Main scheme +1/1/1, VG attacks, NF defends – boost – exhaustion > glider counter to LM

Encounter cards – Improvised Weapons, Enraged Symbiote, SotP(discard SS), Caught Off Guard (discard heroic intuition)

Turn 2 VG II 17hp (tough), Main schemes 2/2/2, specialized training (2), “Bring the war!” (3), Enraged symbiote, Warbringer (5)

Exh SNH > CtA – specialized training > [Combat Specialist] draw 1 (UNF)

Forcefield protection > DFocus. Exh DF > UNF

Nova ATK (2) Enraged symbiote > rdy SNH > rdy Nova/draw 1 (CtA) > Exh CombSpec draw 1 (Ms Marvel)

Exh SNH, Ms Marvel, adrenaline rush >Moon girl >draw 1 (pot shot)

Moon girl THW (2) “BtW!”, Nova THW (1) > rdy SNH > rdy Nova/draw 1 (Lay the trap)

Exh SNH > pot shot > Warbringer, Nova ATK (2) > rdy SNH > rdy Nova/draw 1 (LSF)

Nova ATK (2) VG – remove tough. Exh SNH > CtA - UM > rdy Nova/draw 2 (LSF, Energy)

Nova ATK (2) VG (15), rdy SNH. Exh SNH > CtA - MM > rdy Nova/draw 2 (followed, Ironheart)

Energy > Ironheart > draw 1 (TtT). Ironheart THW (1) LM, Nova THW (1) LM > rdy SNH > rdy Nova/draw 1 (TtT) (deck out)

TtT, TtT VG (9). Exh SNH, Lay the trap, LSF > followed

Nova ATK (2) VG (7). Discard LSF

Upkeep – draw Ms Marvel, CttW, CtA, Genius, CttW, UNF, Pot shot

Enemy phase, Main 1/1/1, VG attack, ironheart def, boost Symbiotic Thrall, glider on LM Encounter > Joy Ride > glider upper > discard CttW, Symbiotic Thrall.

Turn 3 VG II (7), Main schemes 3/3/2, Lay the trap (3), Joy ride (4), Symbiotic thrall (4)

Nova (10), Moon Girl (1)

Exh SNH, Genius > Ms Marvel. Exh DF > UNF > Exh Ms Marvel (2), UNF back to hand

Ms Marvel THW (1) UM (->2), rdy SNH. Exh SNH, pot shot Symbiotic thrall >rdy Nova/Draw 1 (pot shot)

Discard AdrRush (x2) – Nova ATK (4) VG (3) > rdy SNH > Exh CombSpec > draw 1 (CtA)

Exh SNH > pot shot VG (0) > rdy Nova/Draw 1 (forcefield protection), Reveal VG III (21) (deal 3 enc)

Nova ATK (4) VG III (tough) ret 1 – (Nova 9) > rdy SNH. Exh SNH, CtA UM (->0) – rdy Nova/draw 2 (pivotal moment/”GfC”)

Moon girl THW (2) MM, Nova THW (1) MM (->0) > rdy SNH > rdy Nova/draw 1 (Pot shot)

Exh SNH, ForceProt, CttW > “GfC”

Nova THW (1) Follow the trap > rdy SNH, exh SNH, CtA > LtT/Followed – VG (12) > rdy Nova/draw 2 (LSF, CtA)

Nova ATK (4) VG (8) > rdy SNH. Exh SNH > CtA LM > rdy Nova/Draw 2 (heroic intuition, strength)

Nova THW (1) Joy ride, rdy SNH. Exh SNH > LSF Joyride >rdy Nova/Draw 1 (Nick fury)

Nova ATK (4) VG (4) > rdy SNH. Exh SNH, strength, heroic intuition > NF > Draw 3 (AdreRush, Pot shot, Pivotal Moment)

UNF, AdrRush > PM VG (0)

Turn 3, VG III defeated, clear main schemes, hero + allies’ health 9+2+3


May 24, 2024 babycorn · 33

Slight error as the starting HP for VG II is 18, but doesn't change the outcome :)

Jun 02, 2024 mv2392 · 102

Impressive! Way faster than I did it with the Ham!