Scarlet Support (Sidekick Spotlight)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

Goldenpearl · 38

Time for Quicksilver to take the lead. (Sidekick superstar deck)

Quicksilver consistently deals 15 damage per round.

Wanda Maximoff's job is to keep him alive with First Aid and basic recoveries (via Sidekick). She will also provide support effects to other players.

If you want a deck that is Alter-Ego themed, give this a try!


PHASE 1: Cycle and Search

The first thing we need to do is find Quicksilver and Sidekick.

PHASE 2: Upgrade.

Once we get Quicksilver on the field, it is time to start gearing him up.

With these upgrades, Quicksilver can attack three times per round, doing 5 damage each time. (15 damage per round, wow!)

You should use EVERY action to make a basic recovery, healing Quicksilver for 2. Use First Aid to supplement where needed.

PHASE 3: Support.

Now that our superstar is geared up, it is time to support the team.


This deck generates a lot of scheme threat. To mitigate this, I included Maria Hill, Professor X, and Snowguard, all of which are decent thwarters.

Depending on the situation, you might choose to remain in alter-ego form each round, taking damage from Bloodgem and then healing it back.

You might also choose to flip each turn, allowing you to tank a hit every other turn. (Rather than generating threat.)


Apr 29, 2024 swordgeo · 91

Of all the different ways I've considered running a Quicksilver deck, I never considered using the Wanda Maximoff ally to use basic recoveries for you.

I must not have read Quicksilver's 15 that closely before - I didn't know he had access to magic spells like Hex Bolt before.

Regardless, he's a great hero and I'm glad you've found a new deck tech that makes him shine!

Apr 29, 2024 Chris2002 · 1

@swordgeo I think you are having a misunderstanding here. This is a Wanda Maximoff Deck using the Quicksilver ally with Sidekick and buffing him with a lot of upgrades.

To add to my comment here. I think it's really cool to see all those decks using Sidekick and Quicksilver definitely is a worthy "sidekick" also utilizing Wanda's Alter Ego ability more. It's definitely an interesting take on Wanda.