This card and its sister card Side-by-Side are proof of a just and loving R&D team at FFG. Sidekick immediately takes several decks that are either dependent on or significantly improved by their signature allies up a full tier level or more.
Top allies to consider this for:
Captain Marvel: Spider-Woman wants to play multiple aspect cards in hand and Cap gets them to her hand. Probably the best part of playing the Sidekick package with Ms. Drew is that because of her two-aspect deckbuilding, doing so doesn’t even limit your remaining card pool thar much.
Wong: After all, didn’t Doctor Strange need yet another busted thing to do? Wong was already a major enough part of Doc’s strategy to send many players into blue to support him. Now he gets added survivability AND readies with Side-by-Side? Just disgusting.
Honey Badger: Sidekick is practically a love letter to X-23, a hero whose entire kit revolves around her little clone sister. Leadership isn’t currently a favored aspect for X-23, but between Sidekick shenanigans and Clarity of Purpose, more X-23 players should consider it.
Brawn: Young Mr. Cho takes care of a lot of early problems during Ironheart’s setup period with a hefty 2 THW/3 ATK stat line PLUS his ability to generate a Genius resource. Since Ironheart already frequently pairs with Leadership to get access to Beast, adding some support for the big green guy is neither difficult nor onerous.