Thor - Laughs at villain

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

gelleetin · 20

Thor has never clicked with our group, but a friend played Protection with him last week and I was surprised to see that amazing 19 HP using just his helmet. That beefy body feels like it should offer some interesting options, and with new cards coming out it seemed like a good time to revisit the God of Thunder.

The core concept is simple - Thor has a decent 3 attack and a lot of "body fat", so we want to play protection cards that defend without exhausting, allowing him to trigger staples like Flow Like Water and Electrostatic Armor, as well as Angel's Aerie to boost his recovery when he flips down to Alter-ego. Since you are not exhausted, you can throw that 3 attack at the villain, or the minions you will inevitably fish out with Defender of the Nine Realms.

Endurance, Ever Vigilant, and Godlike Stamina are all there to help with keeping your HP at comfortable levels.

Build Support is another new addition that you can clear with 1 Defender of the Nine Realms, and can fish out either Asgard or Quincarrier.

Comments and suggestions would be most welcome, hope you too can laugh in the face of mere mortal villains :)


Oct 11, 2023 Cable · 31

This is an interesting variation on Thor; thanks for sharing this. Here are my recommendations: 1) Unless multiplayer, if a card is limited to 1 per player, I tend to trim some of the fat as it were and leave only 1. If you're playing efficiently (as in your entire hand each turn) and mulligan aggressively, you should rifle through your deck in fairly short order. 2) Since you're already using defensive events such as Side Step, a Nerves of Steel might be a good fit. Additionally, perhaps consider dropping something like Preemptive Strike for Jump Flip, which also capitalizes off the energy produced by Nerves of Steel.

Overall, this is a concept I certainly had not considered, and I think is quite novel. Keep up the good work!

Oct 11, 2023 gelleetin · 20

@Cable Thank you for commenting.

1) The second copy of Electrostatic Armor and Flow Like Water are there to ensure they come online faster, as they increase the value of all the defense events. Playing with vs without them is quite significant in my limited testing. Electrostatic Armor also happens to be a which can be tossed for either Side Step or Lightning Strike, so the second copy is not a complete dud. Thor has a lot of setup pieces, so you could pass up the first copies to get resource generators or Asgard online first.

2) Nerves of Steel was in the original list, but with it only working on 5 cards it didn't seem worth it. Hadn't considered Jump Flip because of -- will give that a try if I can find something to cut for them (Godlike Stamina?).

Oct 11, 2023 Cable · 31

No problem @gelleetin! If you're looking to make cuts but retain some functional integrity, 1 The Night Nurse might serve the role that the 3 Godlike Stamina do. Obviously you lose on some health overall, but I find her passive onboard ability to provide exceptional flexibility in. most cases. Your rationale is solid; thanks for sharing your reasoning!