Plots within Plots

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Master_GM · 578


Cable is the man with the plan. His ability to get any and all of the side schemes into his deck allows for him to get them out of his deck for good and lower his card count significantly and that only serves to boost his other powers.

Data On Previous Engagements

Cable has had years on the field experience and has a plethora of tactics that he at his disposal. As a Soldier X he knows that he should place out whatever Player Side scheme that he could remove within his first turn. Whether it is to Establish Perimeter or Lock and Load due to their low threat count. The Technovirus Purge is a great choice if you can get it out of their quickly. The idea is to hopefully play a Side Scheme and get it out of their the same turn because you can really only have one out at a time. You will probably want to Build Support early, otherwise if you have already gotten either Professor or Graymalkin out the card become useless to you unless you lose them from a Treachery card. After that you can Call for Backup, get some Superpower Training, or just Take Out the Guards as you see fit.

The Team

Not Appearing in this Comic Book: Everyone but Cable

The team assembled here are some of the best in business for removing threat before it becomes a problem.

  • Deadpool (The Fixer): He has a great stat line as a 2/2 with 3 health. He is able to help remove threat or attack and with he and Cable being Frenemies they are able to remove even more threat.
  • Jessica Jones (The Face): Everyone knows that Jessica is more than a pretty face and that she can pack a whallop, but when there is a bunch of Side Schemes out there she is able to really go at it.
  • Professor X (The Mastermind): The guy in the chair. Keeping the villain confused and with that huge thwart he can remove a good chunk of the work. Plus at the end it is easy to throw a cripple in there to defend you.
  • Quasar (The Closer): Originally Spider-Man was suppose to take this spot but there was no good way to justify his cost. He does a lot for sure, but he is just so expensive to get out there. In his place enters Quasar who is able to do a little thwarting everywhere.

Out on the Field

Immense Power that Builds

It is easy to understand how Cable builds up power by putting Player Side Scheme after Player Side Scheme into the Victory display, making Mind Scan and Telekinetic Blast all the more powerful.

More than just the player side schemes in and out of play so should that other side schemes come and go One Way or Another. With some Heroic Intuition and a little Overwatch Cable can be really Making an Entrance to remove threat heal, and even then ready on top of all of that. Getting rid of multiple schemes at once. And if there is one Side Scheme that is particularly trouble some, a little Forced Amnesia ought to take it out for good.


Cable is a strong character and in Justice he is able to become a thwarting machine. Removing all kinds of threat from the field almost as soon as it appears. Then as the player side schemes pile up Cable can take the Villain to task hitting him as much as a theoretical 14 damage in a single attack.

If you like this deck and have tried it out, let me know. I would love to hear some feedback.