SP//dr Tech/Prot.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
SP//dr Tech/Prot. 0 0 0 2.0

jin_rin · 1

First deck I've made, trying to get used to deckbuilding and Marvel Champions as a whole! Will probably make one for Star-Lord and Captain Marvel next, so don't mind me.

Basic Idea: In the early game, focus on setting up with AE; get Aunt May & Uncle Ben into play ASAP then mill through the deck for Interfaces while playing upgrades as you get them; Symbiote Suit and Unshakable are really useful for being a big ass damage sponge later on.

Once you get Interfaces/Upgrades down, burn through them with SP//dr. It's probably more in-depth than that, I'm just kinda bad at writing


Jul 19, 2023 Shazbahty · 580

So something I do when building a deck is ask what do I want this deck to do and I'll ask the same to you? It sounds like you want to spend time in Alter-ego before flipping to hero and just bursting the villain. So how does this deck deal with threat?

For a first time deck don't feel like you have to keep to the 40 cards. It would be fine to push the higher end and then cut cards that don't get played. I do question if Government Liaison is worth including since it only has 1 target. Same with Defensive Energy only has 2 with Defensive Training only having 3. With Energy Barrier Forcefield Generator and Plasma Pistol you do have a good skeleton for a Repurpose deck.

I haven't played enough for SP//dr to really make suggestions outside of those and the other web warrior trait protection cards.

Jul 19, 2023 jin_rin · 1

Thank you so much for providing feedback! So, the immediate changes I can implement before talking about my ideas here;

Liaison was just a remnant of a previous iteration, but the reasoning to cut the two Defensive cards seems pretty solid to me. There are good odds I also mill the one-ofs themselves with Aunt May & Uncle Ben or some combination of cards that renders them mostly filler.

As for my low threat/Thwart presence, I do play this game with a big group and I feel comfortable relying on my teammates to Thwart when things get dire- I can use my niche Thwart (i.e. basic Thwarts with Psychic Link, two Thwarts via What Doesn't Kill Me, and Rapid Deployment) to help clean up Side Schemes and chip some threat off of the Main Scheme when needed. I could always remove 1x Forcefield Generator and/or 1x Judoka Skill to opt for some more direct Thwart (Hit and Run or Bait and Switch?) if the deck feels too lacking in practice, even with other players around.

Again, thanks a lot!